Chapter 63: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

There was almost a silver lining in the events that unfolded. The remaining heroes, especially those that fought in the war, were all of a higher moral caliber than the mass amounts before. Hawks had managed to obtain a master list of every false hero who joined the Liberation Front, and every single one of them was stripped of their hero license, even if they didn't fight in the war on the enemy's side. The real heroes who remained proved just how strong both mentally and morally a hero needed to be in order to earn that title, a title we in UA still strove to uphold.

We did also find out who the traitor was in UA. And it wasn't a member of the staff like the teachers assumed. No, it was Class 1-A's own Yuga Aoyama. The shock that came from the discovery blew all of our minds when he confessed. He was born quirkless, and then he was granted his navel laser quirk from All For One. It at least explained why his body had such a negative reaction to his own quirk, it's because it wasn't his own. Nezu didn't force Aoyama to face charges, and he even offered to keep the revelation quiet in respect to him confessing on his own. However, Aoyama was kicked out of the hero course, an action he agreed with since he felt he didn't deserve to be a hero after what he had done.

Oddly, he transferred to the business section of UA, apparently his parents are big business investors and he's going to follow in their footsteps. His transfer opened up a spot in our class though, a spot that was readily and happily filled by Hitoshi Shinso. Toshi started in our second year, and wasted no time in catching up to everyone else. I loved having my friend in my class with me, and I liked seeing him branch out to others as well. Him and Kaminari bonded pretty quickly, and the three of us could often be found having gaming competitions in one or the others dorm rooms.

At least when we weren't with our significant others.

Kaminari finally asked out Kyoka not long after the war. She said no at first, but he didn't lose faith and kept asking and trying to prove himself to her, and she eventually relented to a date. They have happily been together since. Sero and Mina have been together since the war, and I loved getting to reciprocate the help she gave me on my first date by being with her and the other girls in class and helping her choose her outfit for her first date.

Momo got together with Awase from class B in our third year after an incredibly short lived relationship with Shoto. I don't think they even made it through their entire first date before they called it quits on the ship. Her and Awase go great together though, just like Tsu does with Tokoyami. Tsu asked Kage out in our second year, to which Dark Shadow answered yes, and it was so super cute and I was the only one to see that moment and I'll forever treasure it.

I know Midoriya and Ochaco will eventually get together, but they both get so flustered around one another it may take more time before they do. One couple who only needed a bit more time to get together was Mashirao and Tohru. That first date was the most fun for me because I got to help them both prepare for it. Mashirao is confident in many things in his life, but we finally found that dating makes him lose all confidence and act a fool. I loved watching my best friend learn and grow as a boyfriend to his invisible girlfriend, and I loved being able to offer real and useful advice for him like he so often does for me.

Eijiro and I stayed strong together in all our years at UA. We fell more and more in love with each passing day, and I knew by the time graduation came around that he was the man I would spend the rest of my life with. He grew like a weed in our third year too, until he towered over nearly everyone in class except Shoji. I had stopped growing in first year and made it to 5'8", but Eijiro made it to 6'7" and was extremely muscular. It certainly helped in making him a human shield if he was taller and broader than the average person. And it definitely didn't hurt to look at him.

Eijiro graduated with a side kick offer to work under Fat Gum, which he accepted gratefully. He does have plans to open a hero agency with Katsuki though once they both have a bit of experience under their belts. Inasa and I both accepted our father's offer to join the agency, but rejected his offer to be the leading heroes right away. We wanted to earn our way to the top, so we opted to start as sidekicks. I'm glad that we did, because now no one in the agency will ever question how we got to the top. Thankfully, only Tempest was a bad egg in our agency, everyone else is a wonderful hero.

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