Chapter 15: Sports Festival Part 5, Tournament Finals

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I wake up groggily laying on a bed in a bright room. My lungs and throat feel like sandpaper and I'm tired, plus my torso on my left side is aching and burning.

"Don't even try to get up." Recovery Girl comes into view and scolds me. "You shouldn't even be awake yet. Your lungs, which were already heavily scarred and you should have made me aware of that long ago, were damaged further in your fight. You also have frost bite wounds on your torso that are going to be a painful recovery for a few days. The good news is, the ice missed your right eye and it's a shallow enough scratch that it won't scar." She lists off my injuries then proceeds to tell me I need to remain in bed for the next few hours to heal.

I, however, ignore her words as I struggle to sit up. I wince as my torso burns even more, but it's manageable. I can feel I probably can't speak right now, so I use sign language just in case she understands it.

'Is there still time for my next fight? Who is it against?' I sign to her sloppily.

"I don't understand sign language, but if you're even half as foolish as your classmate, I can only assume you're asking about your next fight." Recovery Girls sighs out tiredly. "You've only been asleep for 20 minutes, you technically haven't forfeited yet. I cannot recommend you fight though, you're far too injured. Plus your opponent is Bakugo, which would just mean more smoke for you to inhale."

I nod at her and look around the little hospital room. I see a stack of medical masks on the counter, so I gingerly stand back on my feet and walk shakily over to it, moderately glad to feel that my legs at least aren't injured right now. I grab a mask and put it on after a grin to the old lady.

"If you're going to be foolish and insist on this, at least let me heal the frost bite a bit more. It will tire you out, but will at least prevent further damage." She sighs out in disappointment as she walks up to me.

I nod multiple times in thanks as she lifts my shirt to reveal my now bandaged torso and moves a few of the straps around. She gives me a kiss on my lower ribs and I instantly feel the relief from the burning feeling, but at the same time feel my eyelids droop. A nap suddenly sounds like the best thing in the world.

"Drink this, it will give you a little energy and help sooth your throat." She offers me a warm tea-like beverage. I lower the mask and take a sip and almost spit it all over her because of how strong and bitter it tastes. "Drink all of it and consider it your punishment for being stubborn!" She scolds loudly and I instantly chug the whole thing, slightly terrified of the angry tiny little old lady.

"Thanks!" I choke out as I grin at her and leave the room, her scolding me even more for speaking as I walk away.

"Irisa!" Kirishima yells out to me as I walk out of the room. He runs up to me and throws his arms around my shoulders tightly before he pulls away slightly to get a better look at me. "Should you even be standing?! Your fight was crazy! You got so hurt and so angry! But it was also so passionate and manly!"

I giggle at him as I draw him into another hug before pulling away and pointing at my throat, letting him know with my hands that I can't speak.

"If you're still going to fight Bakugo, you better head to the arena. They gave you both a thirty minute break before the final match." He informs me and we both take off at light jog to make it to the gate in time. "Hey, don't go too hard out there in your fight. But also, like, totally kick his ass. But please be safe. Um, man I'm bad at this."

I giggle once again and simply step closer to him. I give him a quick kiss on his cheek before I grin at him in thanks and walk out onto the arena. I blush at the fact that I just kissed him so casually, but shake it off and focus on the task at hand for the moment. Kirishima just gives off so much natural energy, I feel like I soaked it up and now I'm ready to fight the loud blonde.

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