Chapter 27: Training Camp Part 4, Taken

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I jump awake from a combination of something incredible cold, something warm and comforting, and something startling and familiar all at the same time.

"Five more minutes." I whine out, not coherent in and of the moment.

I blink my eyes open slowly and see Kirishima kneeling in front of me worriedly and holding my hand, Todoroki standing on my left and withdrawing his hand from my forehead, and Bakugo bending close to me on my right, his grumpy face having been who just yelled at me. I looked beyond him and spotted Shoji holding an injured Midoriya on his back and helping up a tired and shaken looking Tokoyami, and I instantly remembered everything that's going on.

"Kage!" I call to my friend as I sit up, getting dizzy as I do and feeling the head wound I received earlier throbbing. "Ow..." I ignore it though and walk to my friend. "Kage, are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Tokoyami says quietly. "I'm so sorry, Irisa. I hurt you."

"Nah, I'm fine." I wave it off, stretching my arms up to loosen myself up. "I hit my head all the time, I'll bounce back like I always do."

"I lost control and hurt you." He says guiltily.

"Eh, I shouldn't have taken on the big bad Dark Shadow. It was my fault, I just didn't like you being in pain if I could help it." I reassure him with a grin, turning to the others. "How did you all get here? What's been going on? How long was I asleep? Why is there a class B boy passed out being ignored over there?"

"And she's back." Kirishima says with a fond smile as he gives me a hug.

"There are villains here now, the attack started about a half hour ago at most. We need to get you and Kacchan back to camp, the League is specifically after you two." Midoriya answers the important question for me.

"The class B boy got poisoned, we found him knocked out in the woods." Todoroki answers the final question as he goes to pick the boy up. "We will protect you two on the way back, Bakugo and Yoarashi."

"Aww, we're damsels." I nudge the ash blonde, watching him ready to blow a gasket about being protected. I'm really just teasing him so I can ignore the danger that we're in of being targets and under attack.

"I'm not a fucking damsel!" Bakugo yells at me. We both get ignored for a bit as the others establish a protection detail for the two of us. I offered to watch from the air, but they all insisted I be on the ground for better protection.

I pouted and took my spot next to Bakugo, him stomping angrily at being treated as a burden. I'm unhappy about it too, but it makes sense. For whatever reason, the League wants us both, so it's safer to be guarded. My head is totally actually killing me though, despite me telling them I was fine, so my not flying is probably for the best right now.

I glanced to my left to talk to Bakugo, to make sure he was ok, but when I did, I noticed something with my echo-wind. Or more specifically, a lack of something. I turned fully to look behind us where I fully expected to see Tokoyami, our rear guard, but found absolutely nothing.

"Ka-" I start to call to my friend, and then feel the oddest sensation. Everything around me went dark, and it felt like I couldn't breathe, see, hear, or anything at all. But at the same time, it felt like I didn't need to breathe at all. I couldn't fathom what happened, it felt like I was frozen.

As abruptly as the strange sensation came over me, it also ended just as quickly. The only thing was, I wasn't in the same place I had been in before. Now I was standing in a different clearing in the woods, and in front of me Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya were all running at me with desperation in their eyes. I felt a grip on my neck from behind me and felt fear shoot through me instantly. I glanced to my right and saw Bakugo next to me in the same position, a hand on his neck and fear in his eyes. And what's worse, I saw the warp around us. The same purple warp he and I fought together against in the USJ.

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