Chapter 28: Kidnapped

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"Mommy?" Six year old Irisa calls out weakly in confusion. "Mommy, where are you? I can't see anything. I don't like this game." She starts to tear up, a blindfold over her small face as she struggled against the restraints in the chair she's in.

"Irisa?" Sumiko Yoarashi calls back in worry, awakening to the sound of her daughter's voice. "Swifty is that you?"

"Mommy!" Irisa calls again. "I'm scared."

"It's going to be ok, Swifty." Sumiko reassures her daughter, struggling in her own restraints. She uses her quirk to lift the blindfold off her face and take in her surroundings. "We'll be just fine, sweetheart."

The mother and daughter had been out getting ice cream not even four hours earlier in their day. They were on their way to a park when suddenly a man appeared behind the young girl and held a blade to her throat, ordering the mother to come peacefully. Sumiko tried to use her quirk then to take the blade from the man, only to find that the blade was actually the man's arm and couldn't be controlled by her limited psychic quirk.

The man backed them slowly into the warehouse down a dark alley. Sumiko, trying to keep calm for the sake of her and her daughter's life, used her quirk to try and leave a trail behind them secretly, hoping a passing hero might follow it, or that her husband may come looking in this area. She felt foolish that she didn't inform her husband that she was taking her daughter for ice cream. Her son was sick at home with a cold being watched by the nanny, and she didn't want her daughter to catch it as well, so she took her out to keep the twins from sharing yet another thing.

"Why are you doing this?" Sumiko asks the man as he strapped her daughter to a chair, her eyes trying to find anything to use as a weapon. She spotted a fire extinguisher on a wall, and slowly started to float it to a hiding place near her.

"Gale Storm." The man says, causing Sumiko to freeze for a moment. She's never before been attacked by someone because of who her husband was, but they had always worked out plans in case it happened. Leave a trail, find a weapon but keep it close until needed, don't attack, don't antagonize, know that he'll come to save her, no matter when or where.

"Are you a villain he defeated then?" Sumiko asks, trying to mask her fear and ask questions, keeping him talking as he placed a blindfold over her terrified daughter's eyes. The twins both knew the rules as well, if ever in danger, stay quiet, and at the first chance, run to safety and find a hero, and above all, yell loudly to get help once away from a bad guy.

"I'm not the villain in this story." The man says, forcing Sumiko into a chair a few yards away from her daughter, facing away from her. "Your husband, the supposedly noble hero Gale Storm, is the villain."

"You seem confused." Sumiko tries to calmly counter as she allows herself to be tied to the chair. "Gale Storm is a good man and a hero, he isn't a villain."

"All murderers are villains." The man spits out as he tightens the straps down painfully onto her arms. Irisa listens to her mother gasp in pain and lets out a whimper of fear, drawing the man's attention back to her. "Gale Storm murdered my wife and child. My sweet daughter... she was only a year or two older than little Irisa here." He walks back to the child and holds her head, causing Irisa to shake in fear. "My Chiharu was beautiful, just like her mother. That is, until your father dropped a building on them both." His grip on Irisa's head increases and causes her to cry out in pain.

"Irisa!" Sumiko calls out in a panic. "Take me! Leave my daughter, take me only! Hurt me only! She's only six, she's innocent, please!"

"Mommy!" Irisa screams in pain and fear as the man kept gripping her head too hard. The man grew tired of her screaming for now and hit her hard in the temple, knocking the child out easily.

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