Chapter 22: Tornado Training

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Summer break was finally upon us. I was excited for the free time I would have for the few weeks until the training camp. Of course, I was still keeping up on my weekly training sessions with Shinso, Mashirao, and Kirishima, but I still had a lot of free time. I loved being back home with Inasa again though, we fell right back into being two peas in a pod and it was like he never left.

"Inasa, Irisa, go get changed." Our father says the second morning of our summer break, coming into Inasa's room where we both were playing games together. "We're going to train." He adds after looking at our identically tilted heads, his eyes locking onto mine for a bit longer.

Our father never ended up keeping his threat/promise to train me after the sports festival a couple months ago. Excuses kept coming up, the early ones more believable like my recovery or being gone for my internship and then him focusing on Inasa's internship. But then after that, every time I brought it up he kept deflecting. After a few attempts, I just stopped asking, it sucked too much each time he said no.

"Both of us?" I ask for clarification, not believing it's finally happening. He only nods and then walks out of the room. I turn and grin to my brother and find an identical expression his face, then I speed run to my room to change out of my pajamas I had still been wearing and put on my workout clothes.

"For starters, you two are going to spar so I can see where your differences are." Father says once we both bolt into the training room. "Use your quirks how you see fit."

I smirk at my brother confidently, but he looks just as confident. We don't usually fight each other, even when we were sneaking around at night to train me, so this will be an interesting match. Also, I haven't seen what his improvements were from his first semester at Shiketsu. His school's sports festival isn't until next term, and we've only talked in theory about what either of us have learned over the phone. It's not the same as seeing it first hand, and we're both excited.

Our fight is amazing. It's so interesting to see how the exact same quirk, from like-minded twin siblings, could develop in such different ways. While Inasa is powerful, concise, and strong with his winds, I'm the opposite. I'm all speed, agility, and chaos. For every overpowered strike he tries to land on me, I dodge and distract. For every sweeping strike I make against him, he blocks with pinpoint accuracy. After 15 minutes of neither of us winning, our father calls an end to the match.

"That's enough." Our father's voice calls out over the sound of whirlwinds tearing apart the training room. "I know what I want each of you to work on. Inasa, you're too rigid. Wind is flexible as well as powerful, and you need to emulate that in your movements. Irisa, you're the opposite. While a breeze is delicate and flexible, a storm is harsh and powerful. You have to know when to be the storm."

Father then tasks me to lift weights to improve my own body's muscles while he works with Inasa to stretch and be more fluid in his movements. After an hour, he switches us. He teaches me how he condenses wind into his fists to strengthen his hits. It's a concept I've worked with Aizawa a bit, but actually seeing how my dad does it really helps.

"Dad, lets spar, it's the easiest way for me to see it." I say after he demonstrated on a dummy for about the third time. He just sparred with Inasa to teach him flexibility, yet he seems to be hesitating to actually fight me.

"I want to see you use it against the practice dummy, then you can use it on Inasa." He deflects, but I don't accept that.

"I'm not going to break, dad." I counter with gritted teeth, then form the tornado in my fists. "If you won't use it against me, then how will I learn how it feels?" I ask as I launch myself at him, landing a powerful strike against his chest, sending him flying back before he stops his travelling and stands back up. "How will I know the correct pressure to use?" I ask as I fly full speed at him and again, he lets me strike him without defending himself. "How will I know when to hold back or when to increase if you won't teach me?!" I holler as I power up more wind into the strike and go in again.

Jet Stream (Kirishima x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon