Chapter 40: Provisional License Exam Part 2, Rescue

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"I may have gotten first, Ina-nii, but you're still making us even with having to get more than me, huh?" I smirk at my twin as he walks to my side in the arena, his targets lit up blue the same as mine as he grins confidently at me.

"No, you got first, this victory is yours." Inasa says, opening the door to the anteroom waiting area. "Don't expect that to be the case in the next round."

We get our targets off, excitedly telling each other about our attacks. He was downright giddy when he learned who I took down, and begged me to recreate the scene for him at least five times before finally more people who passed the exam trickled in. We split ways once we each had a few of our classmates trickle in, the first one for me was Todoroki.

"Hey Todoroki." I say to my almost-a-friend as he gets his targets off. "Good job on passing, I knew you could do it."

"Thank you, you as well." He says calmly, a focused look in his eyes but also a bit of relief. "It was difficult with them knowing my quirk because of the festival. Did you have any troubles with that?"

"Nah." I wave the concern off. "I destroyed my opponents so fast they didn't even see it coming. I was first." I grin proudly at him, and he oddly reaches up and pats the top of my head like I'm a dog.

"Good job." He says as he pets me. I giggle lightly at his awkward physical contact, but let him continue until he's done.

We had to wait together for a long time until more of our class passed. I was kind of shocked that Eijiro's group wasn't back by now. I find it hard to believe there's anyone out there that could challenge that trio at all, especially with a powerhouse like Bakugo in it. Shoji's group was the first to join us, and I hung out with my friend who told me about him getting trapped in a building with the girls, and I nudged him and teased him for complaining about that.

The next group to pass was Midoriya's with Ochaco and Sero, and closely following them was Eijiro's. Those groups all looked a bit roughed up, but otherwise looked proud. I high fived my friends before I gave my boyfriend a hug.

"Knew you could do it." I smile at Eijiro as he slung his arm around my waist. "Sorry I 100% ditched you, I had tunnel vision. But it was so badass, I took down my bullies and utterly destroyed them in seconds and then said a totally badass line before walking away." I grin at him, then spin in his arms to grin at Bakugo. "I told them they were stepping stones to my victory and that I already won!" I tell my friend proudly, and he grows to have one of his rare but wonderful grins light up his face.

"That's fucking right you did, to hell with those damn extras!" Bakugo reaches his fist towards me, and I slam my knuckles against his.

"So, how much did Eiji have to save your back out there?" I slyly smirk at him, and he instantly glares at me.

"Actually, it was me who saved both of them." Kaminari sweeps in dramatically, flipping his hair and striking a pose. "You almost lost your boyfriend out there if it weren't for me. In fact, if you had seen him, you'd never be able to lay a kiss on him again. So whatdya say, a kiss for your hero?" He puckers his lips at me, but I just turn and raise a disbelieving eyebrow to Eijiro.

"Seriously?" I ask if it's true, and Eijiro reluctantly nods.

"Yeah, he was super manly and saved both me and Bakugo." Eijiro admits and my eyes widen at the electric boy before returning to my boyfriend. "We got turned into lumps of meat."

"You're already a lump of meat..." I say in confusion, eyeing him up and down. "Sexy meat, but still meat."

"No, it was super gross, Irisa." Kaminari drops his suave act and goes into detail on the battle they had. At the description of the hunks of meat they turned into, I gagged just a little bit.

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