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lay on the bed, my arms cradling Amora against my chest as she lay on top of me, her bright eyes gazing around the room with a mixture of curiosity and wonder. Each time she raised her head, attempting to take in her surroundings, I couldn't help but marvel at her growing curiosity. She was a bundle of energy and fascination, and I found myself completely captivated by her every move.

Angelina sat on the edge of the bed, a soft smile playing on her lips as she watched our daughter's antics. Her love and adoration for Amora radiated from her, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere in the room. I glanced up at Angelina, my heart swelling with affection for both of the incredible women in my life.

After a while, Amora's eyelids began to droop, her head growing heavier as she fought to stay awake. Slowly but surely, her eyes closed, and her breathing evened out as she drifted into a peaceful slumber. I continued to hold her, relishing the feeling of her tiny form against mine.

As I looked down at our sleeping daughter, Angelina moved to my side of the bed, her eyes still fixed on Amora's peaceful face. She looked up at me, her expression softening into a tender smile.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" she whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

I nodded, my heart full of emotion. "Absolutely amazing."

Angelina's smile widened, and she suddenly leaned forward, planting a flurry of quick and playful kisses on my lips. I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, the sound echoing softly in the room.

"Hey, what's gotten into you?" I teased, my eyes dancing with amusement.

Angelina pulled back slightly, her lips curving mischievously. "Just trying to keep you on your toes," she replied, her voice lighthearted.

Before I could respond, she shifted her weight and gracefully settled onto my lap, her arms encircling my neck. Her lips found mine again, this time in a more lingering kiss. I wrapped my arms around her waist, savoring the warmth and familiarity of her presence.

But as I tried to deepen the kiss and show her my own affection, Angelina pulled away, a playful glint in her eyes. "Nope, not today," she said with mock seriousness, shaking her head.

I raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want it," she declared, scrunching her nose and attempting to suppress a smile.

I chuckled, unfazed by her resistance. With a gentle tug, I pulled her back into my embrace, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "You might not want it, but I do," I murmured against her skin.

Her resistance wavered, and a soft laugh escaped her lips. "Fine, you win."

Leaning in, I kissed her again, the tenderness of the moment filling the air. In the quiet of our room, with Amora sleeping soundly beside us, I knew that our love was something truly special. And as Angelina melted into the kiss, her earlier playfulness giving way to genuine affection, I was reminded once again of just how lucky I was to have her by my side.


The next morning arrived with a hint of bittersweetness in the air, signaling our last day in the romantic city of Paris. We had experienced so much in this short time, and now it was time to bid adieu to the charming streets, the exquisite cuisine, and the memories we had created together.

As the morning sun filtered through the curtains of our luxurious hotel room, I watched Angelina and Amora, both still peacefully asleep. Their serenity was a beautiful sight, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of contentment in my chest.

After they woke up and we had a leisurely breakfast, we decided to spend our last day in Paris exploring a bit more and, of course, doing some shopping. We strolled along the picturesque streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. Eventually, we found ourselves in front of the Dior shop, and Angelina's eyes lit up with excitement.

Inside the store, Angelina wasted no time browsing the racks of adorable baby clothes. She picked out tiny dresses, miniature shoes, and little onesies in an array of colors and patterns. However, I couldn't help but notice that she was getting a bit carried away, grabbing more items than Amora would possibly need.

"Angelina, do you really think we need all of this?" I asked, trying to suppress a smile as I gestured to the growing pile of baby clothes.

She turned to me, a mischievous grin on her face. Without a word, she extended her index finger and placed it gently against my lips, effectively silencing me. I couldn't help but chuckle at her playful gesture.

"Did you just shush me with your finger?" I laughed incredulously.

Her grin widened, and she nodded with a hint of pride. "Yep, and I'll do it again if I have to."

I shook my head, unable to contain my amusement. "Okay, okay. But seriously, we don't need this many clothes for Amora."

Angelina's expression softened as she gazed at the tiny garments in her hands. "I know, but they're just so cute, and she deserves to have the best."

I couldn't argue with that sentiment. As we moved through the store, she started picking out a few more practical pieces, ones that I knew would be useful and wouldn't overwhelm our suitcase.

After satisfying her need for baby clothes, Angelina's attention turned to herself. She tried on different outfits, modeling each one with a playful twirl. I couldn't deny that she looked absolutely stunning in every dress she tried on.

At one point, I sighed dramatically. "You do realize that all these bags will have to be carried, right?"

Angelina smirked and held up a dress that had caught her eye. "Oh, don't worry. You're here for that very purpose."

I laughed, realizing that I had set myself up for that one. As we headed to the cash register with our purchases, I couldn't help but shake my head in amused disbelief. Angelina's energy and enthusiasm were truly infectious, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So there we were, wrapping up our time in Paris with bags filled with memories and mementos. As we left the store, I slipped my arm around Angelina's waist, drawing her close to me. She leaned into my side, and we continued our journey through the charming streets of Paris, our hearts full of love and laughter.

Angel of Darkness (STOPPED TEMPORARILY)Where stories live. Discover now