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I was giving Amora a bath when she suddenly started crying and screaming, which worried me. Liliana, who had come in to check on us, assured me that Amora was probably just uncomfortable and that I should try putting her in the water. Following her advice, I carefully placed Amora in the warm water, and like magic, she calmed down almost instantly. It amazed me how Liliana seemed to know exactly what to do in every situation with babies.

"See, she just needed to be in the water," Liliana said with a smile.

"Thank you, Liliana. You're a lifesaver," I replied, feeling relieved.

Liliana chuckled and patted my shoulder before leaving the room, giving me some privacy to finish bathing Amora. I gently washed her tiny body, careful to be as gentle as possible, and Amora seemed to enjoy the water now that she had calmed down. I hummed a soft tune as I bathed her, and she looked up at me with her big, curious eyes, making my heart melt.

Once the bath was done, I carefully lifted Amora out of the water and wrapped her in a soft towel. She was still calm, and I smiled as I dried her off, making sure to get all the little creases and folds in her skin. Afterward, I picked out a cute onesie for her to wear, and as I dressed her, she wiggled and kicked her tiny feet, making me laugh.

"You're such a little wiggle worm, aren't you?" I said playfully, and Amora giggled in response, which filled my heart with joy.

I planted kisses all over her little face, and she smiled at me, her tiny hands reaching out to touch my cheek. She was simply adorable, and I couldn't help but shower her with affection.

Just as I was finishing up, Kai walked into the room, and I turned to smile at him. "Hey, look who's all clean and cute," I said, holding up Amora for him to see.

Kai's face lit up as he saw his daughter. "She's beautiful, just like her mother," he said, leaning in to give both of us a kiss.

I blushed at his compliment and then handed Amora to him so he could hold her. He cradled her in his arms, and I watched as he showered her with love and adoration. Amora seemed to be just as content in his arms as she was in mine, and it warmed my heart to see the bond forming between them.

"We're so lucky to have her, aren't we?" Kai said, looking up at me with a loving smile.

"Yes, we are," I replied, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude.

As I watched Kai and Amora together, I knew that our little family was complete. We had each other, and that was all we needed. With Kai by my side, I felt confident that we could handle anything that came our way, and I looked forward to the many more precious moments we would share as a family.

As we lay together, Amora sleeping peacefully nearby, Kai suddenly started tickling me, and I giggled uncontrollably. "Kai, stop!" I pleaded, trying to catch my breath between laughs.

But he didn't relent, and I playfully threatened to slap him. "Don't make me slap you, Kai Martinéz," I said, laughing, but he continued to tickle me.

Amidst the laughter, Kai started complimenting me, and I couldn't help but scrunch my nose at his sweet words. "You always do that," he teased, pointing out my little habit of biting my lip or scrunching my nose when I was deep in thought or feeling a bit embarrassed.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I can't help it; it's just something I do," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

He chuckled and then brought up the vacation we had planned before Amora's arrival. "Do you still want to go on that vacation?" he asked.

I bit my lip again, lost in thought, and he teased me about it once more. "You know, you really do that a lot," he said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes again. "Yes, I remember," I replied, poking his chest lightly.

After a moment, I answered his question. "Yes, I do want to go on a vacation with you," I said with a smile. "But maybe after a few more weeks when we've settled into a routine with Amora."

Kai nodded, understanding my hesitation. "Of course, we'll wait until we're both ready," he said, leaning in to kiss me.

I smiled and then mentioned something I had noticed. "You know, Amora scrunches her nose too when I kiss her," I said, finding it adorable.

Kai smiled fondly. "She takes after her beautiful mother," he said, making me blush.

I couldn't resist scrunching my nose again, and then I leaned in to kiss him. "I love you," I whispered against his lips.

He kissed me back gently. "I love you too," he replied, his eyes full of love.

And just as we were lost in each other's embrace, Kai playfully brought up the topic of when we could have sex again. I laughed and reminded him that we needed to wait for six weeks for my body to fully heal after childbirth.

He pouted playfully, but then we both knew that these six weeks were going to be worth the wait. We had Amora, our beautiful daughter, and we had each other - and that was enough to fill our hearts with happiness and love. As we cuddled together, I knew that our little family was complete, and I couldn't wait to create more beautiful memories together.

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