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I sat with Noah in his cozy living room, trying my best to be there for him as he went through the painful aftermath of his breakup with Bryce. Noah had always been the most vibrant and confident person I knew, but seeing him like this, with tears streaming down his cheeks, broke my heart.

"That's a whole damn divorce," I said, trying to lighten the mood with a touch of humor, but Noah's sobs only intensified. He nodded, sniffing as he wiped his tears away.

"It feels like it, Lils," he choked out between sobs. "Three years, 67 days, and 19 months... it's like a lifetime of memories just shattered."

I wrapped my arms around him, offering what little comfort I could. "I know, Noah. It's tough, but you're strong, and you'll get through this."

As he buried his face in my shoulder, I couldn't help but think about my own feelings of loneliness. While I had been there for Noah during his heartache, I couldn't help but feel a longing for someone to fill the void in my own life. But that wasn't something I was ready to admit, even to myself.

Noah pulled away, sniffing and trying to compose himself. "Thanks for being here, Lils. You're the best friend anyone could ask for."

I smiled, grateful for his words, but my mind couldn't help but wander to Nicholas. I hadn't told Noah about the connection I felt with Kai's brother, and I wasn't sure if I ever would. It was complicated, and I didn't want to add more drama to Noah's already emotional state.

He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes. "So, are you dating anyone?" he asked, trying to shift the focus away from his own heartache.

I shook my head. "No, not at the moment," I replied honestly. "But there is someone I find very good looking."

Noah's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ooh, spill the tea, honey! Who's the lucky guy?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering. "His name is Nicholas," I said, keeping my response vague.

Noah raised an eyebrow. "Nicholas? I don't think I know him."

I gave him a small smile. "You don't have to worry about it, Noah. It's just a little crush, that's all."

Noah pouted playfully. "Come on, spill more details! What does he look like? Is he single?"

"He's tall, with dark hair and intense eyes," I described, trying not to reveal too much. "And as for his relationship status, I honestly have no idea."

Noah grinned mischievously. "Well, you should find out. Life's too short to not take chances."

I chuckled. "You're right, Noah. Maybe I'll see where things go."

As we continued talking and laughing, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship we shared. Noah was the kind of friend who could always lift my spirits, even in the darkest of times. And as I thought about Nicholas and the mysterious connection I felt with him, I knew that maybe, just maybe, taking a chance on love wasn't such a bad idea after all. But for now, I would cherish the bond I had with Noah and be there for him as he navigated the turbulent waters of heartbreak.

Noah's playful curiosity shifted to a concern for my best friend, Angelina. "So, what about Angelina? Is she seeing or dating someone?" he inquired.

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