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I found myself smiling as I walked through the busy streets of the city, my thoughts consumed by Angelina. Despite the complications and the challenges we were facing, there was a glimmer of hope that she was giving me a chance, even if it was just a tiny one. It was enough to make my heart soar.

As I imagined the possibility of waking up next to her, kissing her lips, and holding her close, a rush of warmth filled me. The thought of having her by my side every day was enough to make me feel like the luckiest man alive. I knew deep down that I had to find a way to make things work, to prove to her that we belonged together.

My mind was racing with ideas on how to avoid the marriage with Veronica. I knew it wouldn't be easy, given the pressures of family and tradition, but I was determined to find a way. I couldn't imagine being with anyone other than Angelina, and the thought of marrying someone else felt like a betrayal to my own heart.

As I continued walking, I found myself passing by a quaint little park. The sight of a couple sitting on a bench, holding hands and laughing together, made me yearn for the same with Angelina. I imagined us sitting there, basking in each other's company, and it felt like a dream come true.

With renewed determination, I pulled out my phone and sent a message to my lawyer, instructing him to find any loopholes or legal ways to avoid the marriage arrangement with Veronica. It was a long shot, but I had to try. I couldn't let this chance slip away.

As the days passed, I made it a point to be there for Angelina, even if it was just as a friend. I respected her space and her need for time to process everything, but I wanted her to know that I was there, ready to support her in any way she needed.

And every night, as I lay in bed, I thought of the possibility of a future with her. The idea of waking up to her beautiful smile, hearing her laughter fill the air, and feeling her in my arms consumed my thoughts. It was a vision that I held onto tightly, one that gave me hope and strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In my heart, I knew that Angelina was the one for me, and I was determined to show her that I was worth taking a chance on. No matter the obstacles, I was ready to fight for us, for the love that I knew was real and true.

As I closed my eyes, I could almost feel her presence beside me, and I whispered into the darkness, "Soon, Angelina. Soon, you'll be mine, and I'll be yours." With that thought in my heart, I drifted off to sleep, holding onto the hope of a future with the woman who had captured my heart in a way no one else ever had.

I jolted awake to find Veronica lying next to me, and for a moment, I couldn't believe my eyes. The memories of our past together flooded my mind, and I felt a surge of anger and frustration. How did she manage to get into my bedroom?

"Oh, hell no. Get out," I snapped, my voice laced with irritation. I didn't want her anywhere near me, especially not in my bed.

Veronica blinked, seemingly unfazed by my reaction. "Come on, Kai. Don't be like that. We're engaged, after all," she said, her tone smug.

I scoffed, my patience wearing thin. "Engagement or not, it doesn't give you the right to barge into my room like this. Get out, Veronica," I repeated, my voice firm.

She pouted, trying to act innocent. "But I missed you," she said, attempting to wrap her arms around me.

I quickly pulled away, not wanting to be anywhere near her touch. "I don't care. Leave," I said, my voice cold and determined.

Veronica huffed, clearly not used to being rejected. "You'll regret this, Kai," she said, her tone turning spiteful.

I rolled my eyes, unfazed by her threats. "I highly doubt that," I replied, my patience running out.

With a huff, Veronica finally got out of bed and gathered her things, glaring at me as she did so. "You'll come back to me eventually. You always do," she said with a hint of arrogance.

I shook my head, tired of her delusions. "Veronica, there's no chance of us being together. It's over, and it's been over for a long time. Accept it," I said firmly.

She stormed out of the room, leaving me feeling relieved to have her out of my space. I couldn't let her disrupt my thoughts and feelings for Angelina any longer.

As I closed the door behind her, I took a deep breath and made a mental note to reinforce my boundaries with Veronica. She had no place in my life, and I was determined to keep it that way.

I knew what I wanted, and it wasn't Veronica. It was Angelina. She was the one who had captured my heart, and I was willing to do whatever it took to prove to her that I was worth taking a chance on.

With renewed determination, I went back to my bed, my mind now focused on Angelina once again. I knew that our path wouldn't be easy, but I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As I lay back down, I whispered to myself, "Angelina, I'm coming for you, and I won't let anything or anyone stand in my way." With that thought in my heart, I closed my eyes, feeling a renewed sense of hope and determination for the future that I wanted to build with her.

Angel of Darkness (STOPPED TEMPORARILY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant