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I watched as Angelina's mood shifted rapidly, her emotions swirling like a storm. She was distant and cold, pushing me away whenever I tried to get close. But I refused to back down; I knew there was something more going on beneath the surface.

As she poured herself some orange juice, I stepped closer to her, concern etched on my face. "Angel, what's wrong?" I asked gently.

She snapped at me, her voice laced with irritation. "Nothing's wrong. Just leave me alone," she muttered, avoiding my gaze.

I couldn't stand seeing her like this, so guarded and distant. "You don't mean that," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

She finally looked at me, her eyes filled with frustration and vulnerability. "I do mean it," she insisted, her voice cracking slightly.

I stepped even closer to her, not willing to let her go. "Tell me what's really bothering you," I urged, my heart aching at the sight of her turmoil.

"I regret everything," she blurted out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't love you, Kai."

I raised an eyebrow, not buying her words for a second. "You don't mean that," I said firmly.

She took a step back, her eyes downcast. "I do," she repeated, her voice shaky.

I couldn't let her believe that, not for a second longer. Stepping closer, I cornered her against the counter, my hands resting on either side of her. "Tell me the truth," I whispered in her ear, my lips grazing her skin. "Tell me what you really feel."

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she avoided my gaze. "I hate you, Kai," she murmured. "I hate that you make me feel this way, I hate it that you tell me you love me, and I hate it that you... you know... Fuck me so damn good."

Her confession took me by surprise, but I couldn't help but smirk. "Is that so?" I said, my voice husky with desire.

She blushed even deeper, trying to push me away, but I wouldn't budge. "Stop smirking," she muttered, clearly flustered.

I leaned in, my lips hovering near her ear. "You know, hating me doesn't change the fact that you're drawn to me," I teased, my breath caressing her skin.

She tried to protest, but her trembling hands gave her away. She was nervous, vulnerable, and I knew I had to tread carefully. With a gentle touch, I lifted her chin so she would meet my gaze. "It's okay to feel conflicted, Angel," I said softly. "But you can't deny what's between us."

Her eyes searched mine, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of doubt. But then she shook her head, her resolve returning. "I don't want this," she said, her voice wavering.

I leaned in even closer, my lips brushing against hers. "But you do," I whispered. "You want me, Angelina, just as much as I want you."

And before she could protest any further, I closed the distance between us, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. She tried to resist, but her desire for me was undeniable, and soon she melted into my arms, kissing me back with equal fervor.

In that moment, I knew that no matter how conflicted she felt, her heart was already mine. And I vowed to show her that she didn't have to hate what we had; she could embrace it and let herself fall for me, just as I had fallen for her.

Without breaking our kiss, I lifted her up onto the counter, her legs wrapping around my waist as we continued to explore each other's mouths. My hands roamed over her body, teasing her skin with gentle caresses before pulling her shirt over her head.

"I crave you so much," I whispered hotly against her lips, my tongue darting in for another deep kiss.

"I know," she breathed, her hands fumbling with my belt as her lips trailed down my neck.

I couldn't hold back any longer; I needed to show her how much I wanted her. With one swift move, I slid her shorts down her legs, kneeling on the floor to bury my face between her thighs.

"Fuck, you taste amazing," I groaned, reveling in the taste of her sweet nectar on my tongue.

Her gasp of pleasure was music to my ears, and I eagerly devoured her, licking and sucking on her clit until she was thrashing against the counter, her hands gripping my hair tightly as she came undone.

But I wasn't done yet. I stood back up, my own arousal pressing against the front of my pants as I hoisted her up onto the counter.

"I need you now," she moaned, her hips grinding against me as she wrapped her legs around my waist once again.

With a fierce hunger, I thrust into her, relishing the feel of her tight, wet heat surrounding me.

"Fuck, you're so tight," I growled, holding her hips in place as I pounded into her relentlessly.

We moved together, our bodies connected in a passionate dance as we both chased our release.

"I'm so close," she whimpered, her nails digging into my back as I grazed her sweet spot.

"Let it go," I encouraged, my own release building with hers.

And when we finally climaxed together, I knew that it was more than just physical desire; we were two souls, destined to come together in a fiery blaze of passion. And I wasn't going to let her go.

As we both caught our breaths, I watched her with a mix of tenderness and understanding. Her eyes held a glimmer of uncertainty, and I could feel her heart wrestling with emotions she might not be ready to fully comprehend.

"I'm sorry," she said softly, her fingers tracing patterns on my chest.

I reached out and gently lifted her chin, wanting to look into her eyes as I spoke. "No, don't apologize," I said reassuringly. "It's okay to feel unsure. We don't need to have all the answers right now. We can figure it out together."

She nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. I leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, wanting to show her that I wasn't going anywhere. I wanted her to know that I was here, ready to support and understand her, no matter what she was feeling.

"We'll take things one step at a time," I whispered, my breath brushing against her skin. "There's no need to rush or put pressure on ourselves. Whatever you're feeling, it's valid, and I'm here for you."

We laid there in each other's arms, the warmth of our bodies creating an intimate cocoon around us. The lingering passion between us had been replaced by a sense of calm and comfort, and it felt like we were on the cusp of something beautiful and profound.

After a few moments of silence, she spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper. "I think I do love you," she admitted, her vulnerability showing through.

My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but smile. "That's a big step," I said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "And it's okay to be scared. Love can be a little overwhelming at times."

She nodded, a mix of emotions playing across her features. "It is scary," she agreed. "But it's also exhilarating."

I couldn't agree more. Love had a way of turning our lives upside down, but it was also the most beautiful and transformative experience one could ever have.

"We'll take it one day at a time," I said, my voice filled with sincerity. "I'll be patient, and I'll be here for you every step of the way."

As we held each other close, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment wash over me. It was as if our souls had found each other and were finally coming together as one.

In that moment, I knew that whatever path our love took, it would be a journey worth taking. We had all the time in the world to explore and discover the depth of our feelings for each other. And I was more than willing to embrace every moment of it with her by my side.

Angel of Darkness (STOPPED TEMPORARILY)Where stories live. Discover now