3. Phone Calls and Dog Walks

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Keira's POV:
Not long after Lucy left I finish unpacking. And was left with nothing to do when I received a FaceTime request from Leah and I answer immediately.

Leah says "hey kei how are you".
I reply whilst collapsing on my bed after running up the stairs "hey le I'm ok how are you".
"I've got something to tell you kei".
"what is its le". I watch as my best friend turns bright red blushing profusely. "You like someone don't you leah" I say in a questioning tone.
"Yeh I do I just don't know what to do about it" Leah says rolling around on her bed.
"Who is it leah" I say trying to find out who has got my best friend blushing like this.
"I will tell you but you can't tell anyone kei I mean it" says leah in stern voice. I nod her head in agreement. "Its Jordan" leah says in a quiet voice. "JORDAN? As in Jordan Nobbs your teammate?" I reply questioningly.
"Yes keira I don't know what to do about it kei" Leah says seeming sadder now.
"Maybe just tell her le what's the worst that could happen, she is single isn't she?" I questions. "Yeh she is, anyways enough about my love life how was your first day?" Leah asks.
"It was good we started of with medical test and went to the gym to do some physical tests" as I say this I start blushing I try to cover it up with my Manchester City hoodie I am wearing from earlier, "then we went to the canteen and got some food for lunch and meet all of the girls they seem really sweet, we had training which was good but kind of tiring, then I found out my new house mate and came to her house and just unpacked" I finishes.
"Why did you start blushing when you were talking about the gym?" Leah questions. 
"I did not" I says trying to defend herself.
"Yes you did, anyways who is your roommate?" Leah asks.
"Lucy Bronze" I replied blushing again.
"You've got a crush on Lucy haven't you" says Leah
"No I do not" I say. Just as I finish I hear the front door shut indicating Lucy is home. My suspicions are solidified when Lucy shouts up to me "Kei I'm home with Narla if you want to come and meet her"
I quickly tell Leah "Lucy is back I've got to go now bye" as I hang up on the call.

I run down the stairs to meet Lucy as I reach the bottom step a white dog bounded up to me I immediately scooped her up and she started licking my face Luce quickly told her to stop and that I shouldn't let her do that. It was fine though. I followed Lucy into the living room onto the sofa and sat down opposite her with the dog still bundled up in my arms.

"What would you like to watch kei" she asks me with shaky voice almost nervous.
"I don't know luce what would you like to watch" I ask hoping she is a little bit more decisive than me if not this a was going to be hard.
"Erm shall we watch the lion king" she says.
"Yeh that sounds good I reply" I say kind of shocked at her choice but I let it slide.
"After this shall we take narla on a walk and then I can cook some dinner for us" Lucy asks whilst going into Disney+ on the tv.
"Yeh that's sounds good luce" I reply. Narla jumps of me and curls up into a ball on the seat between me and Lucy on the sofa.

The movie flies by and I had forgotten just how good it is. Once it was over I turn to Lucy who was half asleep and say "I'm going to go and get changed into something a bit more comfortable for when we take narla for a walk". "Ok I will get her harness and lead on her then we can leave" she says as I was standing up to leave. I turn to her and say "that sounds good Luce see you in a sec" and then I head upstairs.

When I get upstairs I root through my wardrobe and find a pair of Nike shorts and comfy t shirt. I quickly put those on and put my training kit in the washing basket. I put the box of new training kit that Lucy brought in from the car for me on my bed to put away later, grab a pair of trainers and head downstairs. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see Lucy waiting for me. I sit on the stairs and put my trainers on ready to walk narla.

As we head out the front door I lock it and Lucy starts walking up the road towards a small park that has a massive field and a woodland area behind it. We get to the park and Lucy says "we can walk her through the woodland area first then we can throw a ball a brought for her on field does that sound ok?" "Yeh that sounds perfect luce" I reply. With this she walks towards the woodland area of the park.

It was kind of dark in there as the trees covered the sunlight but it was really calming. We were walking through when narla noticed a bird and dragged Luce about 20 metres before the bird saw her and flew off. Narla trotted off pouting that she had lost her supposed meal. She quickly forgot once she had found a stone worth holding onto that she then paraded around the wooded area.

We were close to the end of the wooded area when we came to a bridge. We walked across when all of sudden narla decided to take a bath and jumped into it. "Narla get out of there. Narla. Narla come here" Lucy said as she pulled out a squeaky ball for her. After. Lot of persuasion narla finally decided to get out of the pond looking a completely different colour.

We got away from the pond as quick as possible. We got to the field and Lucy handed me narlas ball. "Here why don't you throw that for her" Lucy says. "Thanks luce" I reply smiling at her looking at her eyes. I almost got lost in them but narla started barking for the ball. Lucy took her off her lead and let her run after it.

Lucy's POV:
I am enjoying this walk so much more than normal and I think the gorgeous girl that is with me has made that happen. I can't take my eyes off her as she rolls around in the grass with narla. They both look so happy. Suddenly Keira comes running up to me and jumps on me. I quickly hold onto her trying not to drop her. She whispers in my ear "Luce your dog is gonna eat me and I'm cold". I reply saying "narla won't eat you have you tried giving her the ball and if you are cold I will you give you my hoodie". She loosens her grip on me and stands up by herself again. She hands narla her ball as I take my hoodie off and I swear I saw her checking me out for a second but I ignore it and hand her my hoodie. She says "thank you Luce" and gives me a smile. "Its no problem kei as long as you are warm we are going to leave soon anyway" I reply. "Can you come and play with us please Luce" Keira begs . "Of course" I reply running off with her.

We play for another 30 mins until narla is to tired. So I decide it's time to leave. I clip narlas lead back on and ask kei "shall we go then?". She replies nodding her head smiling. As we are walking out of the park she grabs my hand. As soon as I feel her grab it I turn to her and smile whilst giving her hand a squeeze.

Lucy Bronze & Keira Walsh Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang