6. Senior Squad Debut pt.2

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Lucy's POV:
I was talking to Steph and g when I notice a weight drop on my shoulder. I look down to see that Keira had fallen asleep on my shoulder. "Awh Luce that so cute", Georgia says, "you must have really earned her trust over the past few days as Keira doesn't normally fall asleep on anyone". "Yeh I think I might have" I reply smiling down at the sleeping ginger on my shoulder. I leave her to sleep and put my headphones on.

Steph's POV:
When I look up from my phone I met by the sweetest sight. Keira asleep on Lucy's shoulder and Lucy asleep on Keira's head. I snap a cute photo and send it to Lucy. "Awhhh they are so cute together" Georgia says. "Yeh I know they seem to be getting along really well at the minute don't they" I reply kind of suspiciously. "Yeh they do but Kei isn't one for relationships" Georgia replies disappointedly. "Neither is Luce but maybe they are just friends" I reply trying not to jump to any conclusions.

I go back to texting Stephen on my phone for a while until Nick announces that we are 5 minutes away from the hotel. I decide to wake up Lucy so she can wake up keira. I gently tap lucy on her arm, "Luce we are almost there time to wake up" I say. I get a grunt in return as she starts to sit up. "I think I'm going to let kei have a couple more minutes she seems really tired" lucy says looking down at the brown eyed girl.

Lucy's POV:
Once I have finally finished packing my stuff away everyone is starting to get of the bus. I have to wake up Keira now even though she looks so at peace. "Kei it's time to wake up we need to go to the hotel" I whisper to her whilst stroking her arm. She slowly starts to wake up and get to see her big, brown eyes again. They had quickly became my favourite sight.
"Sorry Luce, I didn't realise I had fallen asleep on you" she says sheepishly while blushing. "It's ok kei I didn't mind did I at least make a comfortable pillow" I joke back trying to lighten the mood. "Yeh you did actually" she says. We grab our bags and head off the coach.

Keira's POV:
We head to the hotel and gather around Nick for our room arrangements. We are all sharing rooms as all thought it would be better to have someone with us. Nick starts to speak "the rooms will be:
501-Toni and Demi
502-Steph and Georgia
503-Jen and Nikita
504-Lucy and Keira-"
After hearing I was roomed with Lucy I stop paying attention to what he was saying and look at the brunette stood next to me. I look up at her eyes and hers meet mine. I feel a spark rush through my body and my heart begins to flutter. I take my gaze away from hers when Nick tells us to get our keycards from the front desk and to head up to our rooms to get ready for dinner at 7.

Lucy grabs our keycard and we head up to our room. Once we get up there we each put our stuff on our beds. "I'm going to have a quick shower" Lucy says. "Ok luce" I reply. I lay down on my bed and start scrolling through instagram for a while until I hear Lucy again. "Kei can you pass me a towel please" she shouts from the bathroom. "Yeh luce do you want me to come in to give it to you or put it outside the door?" I ask not wanting to invade her personal space. "It's ok Kei can you just come in and put it on the towel radiator please" she says. "Of course luce" I reply. I stand up and grab a fluffy white towel off the pile and head towards the bathroom. I hesitate for a second before knocking and saying "luce I am coming in". I open the door quickly with my eyes closed and start feeling around for the towel radiator. I soon here giggling coming from the shower. "Kei what the hell are you doing?" Lucy says absorbed by laughter. "Trying to find the towel radiator without looking at you" I say. "Kei I'm done in the shower now do you want to just pass it me through the shower door?" she asks still trying to compose herself. "Ok Luce if you are fine with that" I reply trying to get myself out of this situation as soon as possible. "Yeh kei but we need to hurry up dinner is soon" she says. I quickly hand her the towel and leave the bathroom. Two minutes later she comes out wrapped up in a towel with her dripping all down her back. I couldn't help but check her out hoping she didn't realise.

Once Lucy was changed we headed down for dinner. We all quickly ate and headed back up to bed as we were tired from the long day of travelling. As soon as I get upstairs I put my pyjamas on and collapse into the bed falling asleep almost instantly.

I wake up the next morning to Lucy's alarm blaring through the room. I slowly get up and start to get myself ready for the day. "You excited kei?" Lucy asks. "Yeh but I'm also really nervous" I say. "Don't be nervous kei I will be here the whole time I promise" she says whilst walking over to me and engulfing me in a hug. "Thank you Luce" I reply snuggling into her chest. "No problems kei but now let's get ready you've got a pitch to kick ass on" she says releasing me. I immediately notice the loss of warmth but I carry on getting dressed.

Once we are done we head down for breakfast but I'm not hungry so I didn't go and get anything, instead I sat down on a table away from everyone. I hear footsteps approaching but I don't bother to look up and see who it is. I do however pick up my head when I hear a plate being placed in front of me. Lucy was also sat opposite me. "Come on kei can you please eat a little bit I know it's the last thing you want to do but I need you to so I know you are ok" she says. I pick up a fork and start eating the pot of grapes apples and strawberries Lucy had bought me. "Thanks kei" she says. "It's ok luce thank you for getting me some food" I reply.

We wrap up breakfast then head upstairs to grab our bags and get on the bus. Me and Lucy are up in our room when I ask "Luce can I sit by you ok the bus again?". "Of course kei" she reply's. "Thanks Luce" I say.

Once we are all on the bus we make the short journey to the stadium. The bus journey consists of everyone completing their pre match routines. I don't really have one and neither does Lucy so we sit and chat about our families.

We were playing at Prenton Park today and quite a few of the players families had travelled up including Lucy's. We soon arrive and head straight to the changing rooms to get ready for warm up. I am paired up with Lucy and we start passing the ball, I work on placing it perfectly at her feet. Once we have finished that we play a few rondos do some sprints and then it is time to get changed from our warm up kit to our match tops.

We then line up in the tunnel ready to walk out. I'm stood behind Lucy at the back of the tunnel. She turns around to me and embraces me in a hug. I soon return it finding comfort in her warmth. "Whatever happens kei just know you have always got me I promise" she says. "Thanks Luce" I reply as she releases me.

We walk out and shake hands with the other team. We then get in position for kick off. The ball gets passed back to me as the game begins and all of my fear washes away. The game ticks over well and we end with a 5-0 win and I get an assist.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to get out. Looking at getting another part out tomorrow.

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