5. Senior squad debut

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Lucy's POV:
I wake up to my alarm blaring out at the me the next morning. I get up out of bed and go to check if Keira was awake as I don't think she set an alarm. Once I've finally gotten down the hallway to reach her door I knock three times to try and prevent a repeat of yesterdays events. I don't hear any noise from inside so I decide to enter. As I enter I see Keira huddled up in a ball in the middle off her bed. She still had my hoodie on from yesterday I pad along the soft carpet and gently shake her to wake her up.

"Kei it's time to wake up we've got a team meeting in two hours, we are leaving in an hour to meet Georgia and Steph for coffee" I say in a soft voice hoping she will wake up.  I receive a grunt as her eyes open and I immediately get lost in them. She slowly starts to get up out of bed. Her hair is down splayed everywhere but she looks gorgeous still. I can't believe I think that about a teammate but I am not lying.

I leave Keira's room once I know she is 100% awake and head to my room. I have a quick shower then get changed into some training kit ready to head to coffee shop with Steph and Georgia. I go down stairs to see Keira cooking breakfast. "Morning luce sorry I forgot to set my alarm, I'm making some french toast for us if that's ok?" she asks. "Yeh kie that's ok and don't worry about the alarm it was no hassle I'm going to feed narla while you make breakfast" I say. "Yeh that's fine Luce" she replies.

I head into the utility room and prepare narlas food. Once that is done I head back into the kitchen and get two bottles of water out ready for breakfast. I then go and put some toys in a bag for narla and grab her some food a spare collar lead and harness and some treats so she is ready to stay at my mums for the weekend as we have an away game. I put the bag by the front door ready to take narla to my mums. I then go back to the utility room put narla some food down and then go and sit at the breakfast bar.

Once I've had a drink Keira hands me my breakfast and it looks amazing. I thanked her immediately. She cooked French toast with berries on the top with a drizzle of honey it looked picture perfect. I cut into one of the pieces of toast and popped it into my mouth and it was to die for. "Thank you Keira this is lovely" I say when my mouth is finally empty. "Its no problem at all Luce you cooked last night it was the least I could do" she replied. For the rest of breakfast we chat about our plans for the day and travelling up to Liverpool for the game tomorrow.

Once we are finished I collect the plates and wash them up whilst Keira goes to put her training kit on and brush her teeth. After I finished washing up I headed upstairs to grab a jacket and brush my teeth. Once that was done I headed downstairs put my water bottle in my bag and checked I had everything I needed for training.

Keira comes downstairs panicked, "hey kei what's up" I ask concerned. "All of my training kit is the wrong size it's all too big none of it fits me" she says starting to stress. "It's ok kei do you want to borrow some of mine until we can get it sorted for you" I say trying to calm her down a bit. She nods her head slowly. I quickly run upstairs grab her a pair of shorts a top and a jacket. When I get back downstairs she is a lot calmer and takes the clothes to go and get changed into. Once she is changed we put our shoes on grab our bags and I put narla on her lead and head out of the door ready to go.

We get into the car to drive to my mums to quickly drop narla off. Once we get there I quickly run her into my mum say thank you and leave because we running late to meet Steph and Georgia. "Kei do you want to put some music on?" I ask. "Erm sure" she replies. She puts the radio on and changes it to heart. 'Can't feel my face' by The Weekend comes on and we sing all the way to the coffee shop it was perfect.

Keira's POV:
Once we get to the coffee shop we walk in together and sit down opposite them. They had already ordered our drinks for us. "Thanks Steph for the drink" Lucy says while sipping on her drink. "Yeh thanks Steph" I add not wanting to seem rude. "Erm what about me I could have very easily ordered for us all" Georgia says defensively. "We both know you wouldn't remember what to order g" I say. She just sarcastically laughs me off. We stay at the coffee shop for a little bit longer before we head to training.

Once we get to the training facility we head to the changing room to put our bags away. We then head to the meeting room for some tactical analysis, to find out tomorrows starting XI and to go over some plays for travelling tonight. Nick is already in there when we get there so we take a seat on the second row. I am sat between Lucy and Steph. Nick soon starts speaking but I zone out once I realise lucy was staring it at me. She was looking into my eyes and I was looking into hers. It felt like we were the only two people in the world.

We both soon pulled out of our trance when a loud applause startles us. I turn to look back at the front of the room where there is a projector. The starting XI for tomorrow was on the wall and my name was on it. Me. It was my going to be my official debut.

The rest of the meeting flys by and we soon leave for lunch. As we are heading there I feel someone pull me to the side down the corridor.
"Oi what are you-" I say cutting myself off when I look up and see Lucy's smile grinning back at me.
"I wanted to congratulate you in private" she says.
"Thanks Luce I appreciate it" I reply smiling back at her. She takes me by surprise when she pulls me into a hug. I couldn't resist hugging her back as I do I take notice that she smells like fresh daisys and her hair smells like coconut. She is perfect. We soon head to the canteen and grab some food before training.

Training is really fun but not much happens. We are soon heading back to the changing room to grab our stuff to head home. We have to be back for 4pm to get on the coach to Liverpool.

We get back home and I decide to put a show on for 30 minutes before I have to pack. Lucy comes in and sits next to me. "What we watching kei?" She asks me. "Erm Brooklyn 99" I say. "That's my favourite show" she replies. "Same" I reply giggling. We put the show on and comfy under the blanket. Lucy is lay down on the longer part of the sofa and I sat at the opposite end.

After around 30 minutes Lucy stands up and says "I'm going to pack now kei are you?". "Yeh I will be up in minute Luce" I reply. She leaves to go upstairs and I follow not long after. It only takes me around 10 minutes to pack up everything I will need for the weekend. I also grab my Manchester City rucksack and put my iPad, phone charger, headphones, a hoodie and a deck of cards in. Once I have packed up I change into my Manchester City joggers and a matching top. I brush my hair and put it in a low ponytail. Then I grab my bags and take them downstairs. When I get down there I see Lucy sat in the living room waiting for me. "Ahhhhh kei finally you ready to go?" She says. "Yeh Luce let's go" I reply.

We load the suitcases into the boot of the car and put the rucksacks on the backseat. Then we get in the car and Lucy starts driving. On the drive my leg starts bouncing and I start overthinking. What if I have no one to sit next to on the bus? What if I get ill by tomorrow and can't play? What if I mess up on the pitch? Lucy cuts off my thoughts by placing her hand on my thigh. She speaks not long after "you ok kei?" she asks. "Yeh I guess Luce" I reply not wanting her to know. "It's ok kei whatever is worrying you I can help you" she says in sweet tone. "What if something happens on the bus later? What if I mess up tomorrow? What if I injure myself?" I start relaying my thoughts to her, she is soon to shut me down though, "kei it's ok, nothing will happen on the bus today because you will be sat by me, you won't need up tomorrow and if you do it's ok, you will be fine no matter what happens kei and if it's not I will be by your side." "Thanks Luce" I reply as we arrive at the training ground again.

We get our suitcases out of the boot, grab our backpacks from the backseat and then head towards the coach. We put our suitcases under the coach and head to our seats. "Kei Luce come sit with us" Steph beckons from the back of the bus. We head towards her and g. "Do you want the window seat kei" Lucy asks me. "Erm I don't mind Luce I do prefer the aisle seat though" I say. "It's settled then kei as long as you are comfortable" she says. I can't stop thinking about how considerate she is. Once we are settled Nick announced that we are leaving soon.

We set off and I feel my eyes start to flutter. A wave of tiredness washes over me so I get my headphones out of my bag and put them on to listen to some music. I lean against my seatbelt and doze off.

Lucy Bronze & Keira Walsh Where stories live. Discover now