10. Lucy's birthday.

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Lucys POV:
The next few days are hard for Keira but I try to support her the best i can. We are currently cuddled up on the sofa watching some Premier league games. Today was Keira's first day back since her dad died and she had a good day.

"Luceeeeee" she says.

"Yes kei" I reply looking down at the brown eyed girl in my chest.

"What time are you going for lunch tomorrow?" She asks.

"erm like 12 I think why kei" i reply getting kind of suspicious

"I was just wondering" she reply's in a sneaky voice. She is up to something.

I don't reply instead stroke her hair. We lay there all night savouring eachothers company before we were separated for around two weeks.

Eventually we let go of eachother to get into bed. We had given up on the separate rooms thing so we stayed in my room the only down side was that narla had become quite jealous of Keira when I cuddle her in bed. She has begun sitting on Keira's head, or barking until Keira had moved. Tonight she had a new tactic, she decided to lie down the middle of us so we couldn't get to eachother. Keira was not happy about this though.

"I want cuddles Luce" she says sticking her bottom lip out. "I know kei but she's in the way" I reply running my thumb over her bottom lip. This got me a growl off narla.

"I have a better idea Luce" Keira says as she gets out of bed and starts walking towards the door. "Where you going kei" but she was gone before I could speak. I just look at narla. "Why are you so jealous baby" I say rubbing her belly.

5 minutes later kei comes back upstairs with narlas lick mat and her bed. She puts them both down in the corner of the room and narla immediately goes after them. Keira walks back to me in bed smiling. I look at her questioningly.

"I fixed the issue, she will lick the mat and then will be too tired to walk over here and jump on the bed so she will lay on her bed instead of annoying me" she says.

She climbs into my arms and I look down at her "I can't believe you are jealous of a dog babe a dog".

"I know luce but I want cuddles" she pouts. I place a kiss on her lips and she kissed me back. I run my tongue along her lips begging for entrance as my hand runs up her shirt. She lets out a moan when I move my hand up to her breast and slowly squeeze. We keep making out and letting our hands roam eachothers bodies but it doesn't go any further.

Eventually Keira breaks the kiss. "It's time to go to sleep Luce it's a big day tomorrow". I cuddle into her groaning. "We can finish that tomorrow baby don't you worry" I hear her say under her breath. I don't give too much thought as I start to feel my eyes shut as she strokes through my hair.

Keira's POV:
I wake up before Lucy for once today, she is currently curled up on my chest as I scroll through my phone. I gently start stroking her hair and placing light kisses all over face starting at her hair line slowly moving across her forehead, down her nose, across her left cheek, across her chin and onto her right cheek. I start to feel her eyes flutter and her cheeks tense up into smile.

A few moments later I am met with where I had seemed to find home lately. Lucy's eyes. They are a perfect green not too light but not too dark, they remind me of a field.

"Morning baby happy birthday" I say. "Thank you kei, I could wake up like that everyday, but you missed somewhere" she says. "Where luce" I reply already knowing where this is going. "Right here" she says pointing to her lips.

I lower my head down slowly and place a light kiss on her lips. We are soon interrupted by a white ball of joy. Narla.

We spend a bit longer in bed cuddled up just the three of us. Once we head downstairs I make waffles, which I have learned are Lucy's favourite if you but some whipped cream and strawberries on top.

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