7. Admitting Feelings and First Kisses

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No one's POV:
Lucy and Keira continued spending every second of everyday together, falling asleep on each other on bus rides, having movie nights and going on dog walks. They still never admitted feelings for each other thinking the other didn't feel the same way. All of their teammates had picked up on their not so hidden crushes and had decided to try and get them together. They just had to get the perfect moment together.

Lucy's POV:
Tonight was team bonding at stephs house, the last one before the international break and Keira's first one she was poorly for the last so she had gotten to miss it. Me and kei were sat on the sofa chilling with narla waiting until it was time to leave. Keira's head was on my chest as I softly stroked her hair. All I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss her but I knew she wouldn't want to kiss me.

She sat up eventually rubbing her eyes "it's time to leave Luce let's go" she says. I grab my car keys, say goodbye to narla and leave the house. We make the short drive to stephs whilst listening to some new artist Keira had become obsessed with.

Once we get there I immediately notice all of the cars parked on the driveway so me and Keira park a little bit further up the street and walk down to stephs house. Keira knocks on the door and Steph opens it "come in girls they are all in the living room waiting" she says. "Ok Steph thanks" I say and lead Keira into the living room. Everyone is splayed out across sofas chairs and bean bags. When we enter a loud applause erupts in the room "finally your hear we've been waiting for you" Georgia says. "We are on time g shut up" kei says playfully pushing her best friend as she sits down on a bean bag. When I look around for somewhere to sit the only free space is next to Keira on a bean bag which I don't mind.

We initially are just chatting and catching up until Toni announces it's game time. The worst bit of team night. "What game we playing Toni" Keira asks enthusiastically. "Truth or dare then spin the bottle" Toni replies grinning. I internally roll my eyes when I hear her plans already dreading the events that are about to take place.

We start truth or dare, some of the girls partners were there as well so it was bound to get wild fast. Georgia starts "Truth or dare Steph". "Erm dare I don't know what you would have me reveal" she says. "Down 5 shots of vodka" Georgia says. Steph proceeds to down the shots effortlessly. We carry on playing for a bit, most people choosing dares - Demi had to eat leaves from stephs garden, Georgia had to phone her mum and tell her that she had made friends with a cricket that died and Toni had to phone her boyfriend and tell him she was moving countries.

It was now Keira's turn to be asked, "truth or dare kei" Demi asked. "Erm truth after some of those dares" she says thinking it's as a good idea. "If you had to date one person here who would you date" Demi says. "Erm I'm not sure maybe Luce because I know her best" she says. I look at her stunned. No way did she say that. My heart was racing and mine brain was working at 100mph to comprehend what she had just said. There was no way she felt the same way. There couldn't be. I'm pulled out of my trance when I am asked "truth or dare" by Toni. "Erm dare" I say. "I dare you to let Keira sit on your lap for the rest of the game" she says. I give Keira a nervous glance and she just nods at me. She slowly stands up and make the small walk over to me and sits down on my lap. She immediately snuggles into me like she does when we are cuddling at home. I breathe in taking in the smell of her shampoo. It instantly relaxes me. The game continues and is quite boring.

"Ok I'm bored of this let's play spin the bottle" Georgia says. We all sit in circle and Keira goes to grab drinks for everyone so when she comes back in she sits on the opposite side of the circle we start and go clockwise starting with Steph she hats Demi and just pecks her as they both have partners. Georgia gets olly. Toni gets Jen. Jen gets Nikita. Then it's Keira's turn. She grabs the bottle and spins it. It lands on me. The girls all look between us until kei comes towards me. She whispers in my ear "you okay with this Luce". "Of course kei" I say tucking her hair behind her ear. She moves her hand to my face and slowly crashes our lips together. My hand travels to the back of her neck and I feel fireworks erupt in my body. Neither of us want to pull away but we have to. As she pulls away she looks deeply into my eyes as if she is trying to read me. But I don't care because I look deeply into hers as well admiring the colour.

We are pulled out of the trance when Georgia clears her throat. Keira immediately starts blushing and goes to sit back down on the other side of the room. All I could think about was her lips on mine, I didn't focus on the game again until Steph reveals the time "guys I think it's time for us to all start heading home it's 2am and we have training in the morning". Murmur of ok flood the room as we all stand up and head home. Me and Keira don't speak the whole way home.

When we are back at the house I look over at her and she is fast asleep. I park the car and unlock the front door. Once I have made sure narla isn't going to run out the house I go back to the car and pick Keira up. I hold her close to my chest whilst I shut the car door and lock it. I carry into the house and into her bedroom I place her on her bed and try to leave quietly "Luce" I hear as I get to the door. "Yeh kei" I say. "Can you stay with me I'm cold" she says in a cute voice. "Ok kei let me just go and get changed and I will be back" I say. "Ok Luce" she says as I leave the room.

I head downstairs and let narla outside one more time before locking all the doors and windows. Quickly I head upstairs and put a pair of shorts and a T-shirt on. Then I head back into kei. I get in the bed next to her and she immediately rolls over onto me and snuggles her head into my chest. I start stroking her hair and her breathing starts to slow down. Eventually I hear soft snores coming from her which send me into a deep sleep.

Keira's POV:
I slowly start to wake up and realise I'm not lying on my pillow instead I am snuggled into Lucy's chest with our legs intertwined. I quickly grab my phone from the bedside table next to her and check the time. We had an hour until training so decided to wake Lucy up. "Luce come one it's time to wake up" I say whilst tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Morning kei" she says whilst holding me tighter. "Morning Luce we need to get up now we have training soon and narla wants her breakfast" I say in an attempt to get her up. "Five more minutes kei please" she says going back to sleep. "Nah Luce we need to get up we can cuddle again later if you would like" I say sitting up. "Ok then" she says as she jumps up.

Once we are ready we head to training. Me and Lucy hardly speak all day and some teammates picked up on it but I shrugged it off knowing we would sort it later.

Training ends we head home and curl up on the sofa. "Luce can we talk about last night" i say cautiously. "Sure kei what's up" she says. "Luce I really like you and enjoyed that kiss I don't want it to be that last one I'm sorry if that ruins our friendship but I just can't hide my feelings anymore and I-" she cuts me off by kissing me. Her lips start to move against mine and her tongue swipes my lip begging for entrance. I quickly grant it to her. Our tongues battle for dominance but her eventually wins. We explore each others mouths until air becomes an issue. We pull away and stare into each others eyes getting lost in the pools of comfort they provide. "I like you to kei and I don't want a kiss we share to ever be a last one I always want to know I can kiss you again" she says with a smile across her face. "What do you say to a date tomorrow kei" Lucy smirks. "You asking me out Lucia" I say repaying the smirk. "I am miss Walsh now is that a yes?" She reply's. "Of course it is Luce I can't wait" I say before colliding our lips again. We spend the rest of the night cuddled up on the sofa watching movies.

A/N: so we finally got to the kiss. Does anyone feel like this is a bit rushed? Also sorry for the slow updates had a but happen over the last few days but wanted to get another part out. Any suggestions for anything you want to happen please let me know and I will try my best to work it in. Also do people want smut in this? I don't mind writing it if that's what people would like but if you are uncomfortable I won't add it. Thank you for reading.

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