11. England camp

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Lucy's POV:
I woke up today with Keira in my arms. We were both tired after last night so we decided to have a lie in but I have to start getting ready for camp. I unravel my legs from Keira's and slowly slide out from underneath her trying not to wake her. I pull some clothes on from my wardrobe and head downstairs to feed narla and grab my suitcase.

Narla is quite grumpy when I get downstairs as she is very hungry, I quickly feed her and let her outside. Digging my suitcase out from the utility room i hear Keira's voice. "Lucy where are you" she says in her morning voice. "I'm here baby I'm just grabbing my suitcase to pack, why don't you go back to bed for a bit and I will meet you up there" I reply, being able to tell how tired she is in her voice. "I want you in bed with me though I don't want to sleep without you" she says coming to the door. "Ok kei I've got my case now, do you want to come upstairs with me and pack?" I ask trying to cheer her up. "Yes Luce please" she replies. "Ok let's go" I reply heading towards her.

We get upstairs and I start packing. We get all of our kit when we get to camp so I only have to pack some comfy clothes, pyjamas, shoes, and my football boots. I quickly grab some old shorts and comfy t-shirts. Kei decides to sit and fold everything into the case. She does it a lot better than I could. I grab a couple of hoodies, some tops, a couple pair of new Nike shorts they had just sent me and some joggers. I they grab a pair of sliders, my gym shoes and a couple pairs of other trainers. I also run downstairs and grab my pink Ugg slippers to add.

Running around the bathroom I grab all of my toiletries and chuck them into a bag and put it by the case for kei to pack up. My football boots are in my kit bag so I grab those and add them as well.

"Have you got everything Lucy" she asks once she had finished packing up my case. "Erm I think so?" I reply. "So you aren't taking a charger, or your iPad, or your laptop" she says. "Shit I forgot thank you kei" I reply. I grab a Nike rucksack and chuck cables and wires in with some headphones (wireless and wired) my laptop and iPad. My purse is on my bedside table so I add that and my glasses.

Everything is finally packed up and I start taking it downstairs. "One more thing Luce" Keira says. I turn around and see her holding a few hoodies in her hands, one black, one green, and one pink. "Here you go" she says placing them on top of my case. "Thank you kei" I say walking up to her, I hold her in my arms and place gentle kisses on her head. "I'm going to miss you luce" she says snuffling. "I'm going to miss you too kei, I will call you whenever I can and text you all the time, before you know it I will be back I promise" I say wiping her tears, "I have an idea kei," she looks up at my her green eyes staring into mine, "do you want to drop me off and then pick me up so you can stay with me for longer" I say knowing she had passed her test a few weeks ago. She nods her head.

We pack up the car and I drive there, the whole time I keep my hand on her thigh the whole time apart from when I have to change the gear on the car. After an hour and half we arrive at the ground. I park up on the car park and turn to kei. "I've got to go now kei" I say gently rubbing my hand up and down her thigh. "Ok Luce" she replies. I kiss her. I hold on for as long as I can and then we both get out the car. She helps me get my bags out the car before embracing me in a hug. I hold her tight knowing I have to let her go, I think that hurts most knowing I have to let go. She eventually releases me.

"I love you luce go and smash it" she says. "I love you too kei, I will I promise, text me when you get home" I reply. "Bye Luce" she says getting back in the car. "Bye kei" I say walking into St George's Park.

We are playing France and Belgium in friendlies this international window.

When we get inside SGP I see Steph waiting for us. "Hey Lucy" she says. "Hey Steph how are you" I reply embracing her in a hug. "I'm good thanks you" she replies. "Yeh I'm all good thanks" I say. "Alright then your in room 216 I guess you can already guess your roommate" she says smiling. "Am I actually being allowed to room with Jordan this time?" I ask. "Yep Mark says this is your last chance any chaos and it is a ban until he leaves" she replies. "Yessss is she here?" I ask eager to be reunited with my best friend. "Yes she is here" Steph says. "Ok bye Steph thank you" I reply starting to run down the hall. "Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze come back her now" Steph shouts after me. I slowly trek back. "Yes Steph" I question wanting to see Jordan. "Dinner is at 6 and we have a team meeting at 7 don't be late I mean it" she says in her mum voice. "Yes Steph can I go now?" I question desperately. "Yes you can" she sighs.

I run down the hall and up a flight of stairs. I look around trying to locate where to go next when I see a sign 'rooms 201-219 —>'. I run down the hall and got to my room. I tap the key card on the door and get inside. I see Jordan on the bed so I jump on her. "Lucy is that you?" she questions. "Yes it's me you dummy" I reply. We sit up and just look at eachother a minute. I wrap my arms around her. "I'm glad to see you again so much has happened" I say. "I know right I need to tell you something" she replies."I do as well" I reply knowing I have to tell her about Keira.

"We will tell eachother on the count of three" I say
"1..... 2...... 3 I'm dating Keira". "I'm dating Leah" she says. We both gasp bringing our hands to our mouths. We are both dating best friends. Oh my god. "How long have you been dating Leah?" I question. "Erm a couple of weeks how long have you been dating Keira?" she replies. "Erm like two weeks" I reply. "Who would have thought that we both have girlfriends and that they are best friends with eachother" Jordan replies. "I wouldn't have" I reply.

I get a text light up on my phone about an hour later from Keira 'just got home Luce call me after you have had dinner I love you xx'. I reply 'ok kei, we have got a meeting after dinner so shall I call you around 8:30 I love you too xx'. "Yeh that sounds good Luce speak to you later xx'.

Dinner and the team meeting fly by and it is finally time to FaceTime Keira...

A/N: posted on both today. Sorry this so short it's kind of a filler chapter xx hope you all have a great day xx please let me know if you have anything you would like to be included xx

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