13. Halloween

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Lucy's POV:
'come on Luce please I know you will love it once you see it' I hear my girlfriend plead. But I didn't hear anything more than the first word, I was to busy focusing on the way my heart felt full to the brim, and the way my stomach felt like it would burst everytime she looked at me. And her eyes, they were like pools of emeralds ones that I could get lost in like the ocean.

'Luce, Luce are you even listening to me?' Keira said pulling me out of my trance. We were currently on the team bus to our game against Everton.

'Yeh I am kie but what's up' I reply still slightly confused.

'I knew you were listening Luce' she replies rolling her eyes, 'I was talking about our Halloween costumes for the party we are hosting next week'.

'Erm ok what do you want to be" I ask already knowing my answer.

"Let's be pirates together' she says excitedly, I roll my eyes knowing I would do it anyways but I really didn't want to.

'Ok kei let's do it' I reply smiling at her. She bounces up and down like a kid in a sweet shop before jumping on me. She flys into my arms and I grab the back of her thighs to keep her up.

2 weeks later
"Keira I hate this why do I have makeup all over my face"
"Because Luce you need to look the part"
"But I don't want it on my face" I pout.
"Stop pouting Luce"
"Stop putting make up on me kei"
"No baby you agreed to this"
"I know doesn't mean I like it"
"You will like it when you see my outfit"
"What do you mean kei"
"You will see and I am done with your makeup so go and put the outfit I laid out for you on the bed please"

I walk into Keira's old room because we had basically given up on the two room idea and see a long black skirt a brown corset top and a white one to go underneath, it had puffy shoulders and I could tell it was going to be itchy. On the floor was a pair of brown cowboy boots and some Nike socks. At least there was one normal thing about this outfit. The skirt and top were easy to put on but I could not work the corset for the life of me. I had to do the last thing I wanted to do.

"Kei can you help me please this thing is doing my bloody head in its a pile of shit"
"Lucia watch you language"
"Sorry kei it's just really annoying me"
"Ok baby I will be in in a minute to help you"
"Thank you"

I sit on the bed and start putting my boots on when kei walks in. She is wearing a short white dress that has similar sleeves to mine a black corset and knee high boots. She looked like a dream, her hair straightened and a scarf in her hair.

"Luce are you going to stop staring so I can sort this corset out for you"
"Erm yeh sure kei"
"Ok then"

I stood up and she came up behind me and slowly started lacing it up setting my skin on fire every time she touched it. Eventually the piece of leather was tight around my waist and I could hardly breathe.

"Kei is this necessary why can't we stay home and be comfy on the sofa"
"Because Lucy we promised Steph"
"Screw Steph this is itching me and I just want cuddles please kei" my eyes pleaded with her
"No Luce no we are going and if you behave I will take it off for you later if not you are being left at Stephs"
"No kei you can't do that"
"I can and I will Lucia"

We are now in the car on the way to stephs house, I'm sat in the drivers seat and kei in the passenger seat. My hand is on her thigh gently squeezing it as she squirms under me.

"Lucy stop please"
"Fine we are here anyways"

We walk in and Steph greets us at the door.
"Hey girls I love the outfits"
"Thank you they were my idea"
"Were they now Lucia" kei replies
"That's what I thought now come on I want to find Georgia, thank you Steph"
"Thanks Steph" I scream as kei drags me away to sit in the living room.

"Sit luce please" kei said to me as fell into a bean bag chair. Whilst adjusting myself so I was comfy I felt kei fall on top of me, she wriggled around until her chest was on mine, her legs straddling my waist.
"Baby you know this room will soon be full of our teammates" I whisper in her ear.
"I want cuddles Lucy I'm too cold" she replies snuggling further into me.
"Ok sweetie" I reply and slowly start stroking her hair.

We start playing truth or dare but Keira doesn't join in instead she stays snuggled up on my chest and eventually I hear a her breathing taper off until it was slow. I could tell she was asleep so I ask Steph for a blanket to cover up with. She passes me one out of a drawer in her cabinets and I put it over top of us, instead of carrying in with the game i just sit and stroke hair. I could tell something was off though, something had flicked inside of her almost like a light switch and I had no clue how to flip it back.

A/N; I am so so sorry how long it has been since I updated and I don't really have an excuse apart from dodgy relationship shit . Anyways so sorry. As always please let me know of any suggestions you have for the book or anything you want to be included. Thank you for reading, sorry it's so short but it going somewhere and the next one will be longer.

Lucy Bronze & Keira Walsh Where stories live. Discover now