Chapter3:What have you done to me.

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She stares at me blankly in the eyes, and i feel the walls of her huge airy office close in on me, making sure to do this at a speedy pace. The air in the room seems to dissipate little by little, leaving me airless, I struggle to breath.

"Rosetta?..." my eyes snap to her's, it still amaizes me how many colours, tones and shades are in them.

"Yes ma'am." I say in a low stern tone, trying my best not to make it sound like a whimper.

"You good.??" I stare blankly at her face as i feel all emotions I had just seconds ago disappear from my body, i feel my heart rate slowing down, my fidgeting hands calm, and I start to notice a light breeze brush over my shoulders.

"Rose.??" I didn't realize how long I've been in my daze for, and i shake my head trying to get myself feeling normal again. "What are you thinking.??" I hear her silky smooth deep voice and i focus myself on her.

"Nothing." I say blankly, and i can feel a bit of tension build, from my answer.

She stares at me blankly, looking at me straight in the eyes, and i feel a tinge of unease but it didn't scare me one bit. " Let's get one thing straight before i even tell you if you got the job or not.." she says in a emotionless, monotone. But as i stare at her eyes, i can see the suppressed anger, blazing in her, and yet she would look calm to the unattentive eye. "...when i ask you a question you look me straight in the eyes, and answer me truthfully and clearly..." she says, slowly in a low calm register. " Am i understood.?"

I stare at her in disbelief as i feel so confused, i raging hot with anger but all i manage to fire back at her is a miserly "Understood".

"Now... answer my question." I stare at her blankly making sure to look straight into her mesmerizing eyes.

"Nothing." I say in the strongest tone i could muster. I see her eyes widen, in what i believe to be disbelief of my response.

I stare at her trying to read her emotions and thoughts, but i fail as she looks at me and puts on an expression that is all too familiar to me, a fake smile, and says. "Very well, now, let's get this show on the road".
After about 20 minutes, of me sharing my work and some of my ideas, and answering a few questions. The interview was finally over.

Other than the moment we had in the beginning of the interview, i enjoyed it overall. "Miss Hayes, urm... i wanted to apologize for any misunderstanding that had occured- Sweety do not apologize." She cuts me off. "Oh... really?. But i just wanted to say, i really wasn't thinking about anything... i just.. urm... tend to drift off at the most random times".

"Sweety it's okay, i saw it in your eyes". I was confused by this eyes..??

"In my eyes.??"i tried to search in her eyes, as if they would give me the answer i want.

"Sweety you struck me as a very bad liar either you are very bad at lying or you are incapable of lying to me" she says nonchalantly, and i fell my eyes widen in disbelief, confusion takes me over and i stare at her.

"Oh...uh. ohk. I guess that means you're not angry..?" I stare at her trying to search for any answer i could find as her silence slowly gets to me.

"Well sweety why would i be angry at you.??" Confusion once again clouds over me.

"I just- i saw it in your eyes how much anger you had but for some reason you showed a relaxed unbothered outer expression.." she analyses me face for a little too long before replying.

"Well that's a first." She says plainly, in a tone i could not distinguish, the emotion of.

"First..??"i say trying to get her to elaborate on 'that's the first'.

"No one has ever saw that,... you are the first ever person who saw right through my facade. But even though i know there might be a few that also did..." she trails off making sure to analyse me as though i was an alien specimen that fell in front of her, her expression says little to nothing whe her eyes carry amazement and disbelief. "They never, even once dared to point that out".

"Urm... should i have not.??"

"No that's not what i meant... i just commend you for being so bold"... she says and soon after,lets out a cold chuckle that sends chills down my spine and i can't decide whether it's good or bad chills.

"Urm...i uh... is my interview over.??" I ask trying to cut through the tension that has built up.

"Well yes miss Olive, it has come to an end... oh and give me your number so i can stay in contact with you."

I looked at her in disbelief and I'm pretty sure my eyes are wide open, maybe even my mouth too.

"Urm... my number is in my application your assistant should have it..."

"Oh no sweety, that's not why i want your number.."she says with an amused look, and i in the most opposite look, just confusion. Then why did she want my number then.??

"Oh... then why then.??"i ask searching for an answer deep in her eyes.

"One more thing. I despise being questioned." She says in a tone that had me visibly flinch, strange..., seeing that it was calmly low, but stern nonetheless.

I give her my number and bid my farewell, and leave her office in a daze. As i bask in confusion as to what just happened. Did my soon to be boss just flirt with me.??

I get home and throw my clothes everywhere as i undress myself while walking to my bedroom. I splosh myself on the bed and huff in exhaustion.

I don't even know when i drifted off, but currently i was regretting not eating after i came home, my stomach feels horrible, it kind of feels like it doesn't even exist, and the fact that it just growls proves my theory wrong.

I drag myself off my bed and turn on my bedroom lights, i grab my phone that was thrown by a tired Rosetta on the far side of the bed. As i check the tine and shocked to see how long I've  been out. It's 11p.m and i feel light. My body feels like it's floating, maybe it's because of how great i slept, or maybe it's because my tummy is empty.

Either way i slip on my fluffy slippers and go down to the kitchen to make myself dinner. As I sit down, flashes of the dream i had during my daytime sleep rush through my mind and I inwardly curse her beautiful face.... oh yes... you know who's beautiful face... the one and only Miss HAYES.

Flashes of her eyes staring at me, her hands gliding across my chest her scent lingering in my nostrils. I fantasize about how i would let her rip my clothes off, but then i also fantasize about cuffing her to a bed and getting my way with her, i fantasize about seeing her body squirm under me and her begging me to pleasure her, and begging me to stop due to over stimulation.

I shake my head trying to shake off the dirty thoughts.

What have you done to me Miss Fucking Hayes...

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