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I wake up to a loud bang, 'what the hell was that!!'

I wake up as quickly and as quietly as i possibly can, grabbing my pepper spray on the shelf near the door and tiptoeing on my way out of my room.

I slowly head towards the stairs, making sure to look in every direction so that if whoever is in here is near me i could have a chance to fight them. I slowly tiptoe down my stairs and feel thankful that i got a rug on my staircase as the stairs would've made a sound and alert whoever is in hear that I'm up.

As i get to the end if the staircase, i brace myself preparing for the worst...

I hear the kitchen drawer open, and i pick up my pace towards the kitchen. I peep into the kitchen and feel a sense of relief for a second,... then anger takes over.

"LILLY!!!" I shout. She quickly looks away from the drawer her head shoots up and she turns to look at me and scurries towards me with an excited look on her face, and her big bright smile widened even more when she noticed it was me. "What the hell are you doing in my kitchen this early in the morning!! I thought someone was trying to break into my house you morron!!". She giggles a bit.

"Well good morning to you too birthday girl" she says in a cheery tone while playfully rolling her eyes at me.

"Yeah whatever, just stop showing up at my house at these freakishly early hours!!..." i look around the kitchen for a second. "What are you even doing in here!!?!" I ask spotting the mess she made in my kitchen.

"Well i was trying to make you a birthday breakfast suprise.." she says scratching the back of her head.

Lilly's full name is Allina Lillian Lenard, pretty tongue twisting...i know. I've always wondered what the hell her parents were thinking giving their child such a complicated-and a bit confusing- name. Lilly is sort of my bestest and closest, long term friend. We've been friends since high school and moved here together and went to tertiary education together. She knows me better than anyone does, and dare i say, even better than i do. She's veryyy....hyper, and is such a carebear. She is a newly wed and i don't even know how her husband let's her leave their house to break into someone else's house so early in the morning.

"And i see that's not working out very well..." i say gesturing with my hands to the mess that she created behind her.

"Yeah...kind of a bummer that you can be a light sleeper at times, your door was giving me problems..." she says, turning around and walking towards the oven.

"How do you mean?" I ask her knowing fully well that i locked it twice the night before.

"I was trying to open it and it took like 5minutes to unlock, how many times did you even turn the key to lock it, cause I'd swear you double locked your door" she says while putting on oven mitts and opening the oven door.

"Oh... i didn't realize" i say blankly while sitting down on one of the stools by the kitchen island.

She takes out a tray of muffins, and places it on the counter, turning off the oven and leaving it's door open. She turns around to look at me and gives me a bright smile.

"What.??" I ask her as she keeps looking at me smiling. I swear her cheeks must be burning with pain from how much and how long and big she has been smiling today.

She doesn't answer me, instead she walks around the island towards me.

"Lillyyyyy..." i say to her in a warning tone as she comes closer.

She stops and puts her hands up in surrender, "Relax I'm not gonna do anything to you", she sits on the island table and pulls the tray of muffins closer to her and looks at me, smiling once again." I made you muffins" she says and looks at me with a warm smile.

HER SWEET CRIES. GXG.Where stories live. Discover now