chapter6:My ex.

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We sit down at an empty booth-like table, in the corner of the dinner.

I stare at her as she looks over the menu. She looks mesmerizing when focused.

"Are you done staring.?" She asks in a low tone, either to make me nervous or because she's trying to be hushed so nobody hears.

"I urrhh... was not staring" i say defensively. She raises her head from the menu and looks at me with her perfect eyebrows raised. God her stare.

"Honey i could feel your eyes burning holes into my skull" she says and i see her lips twitch as she fights off a smirk.

I can feel my cheeks heat up as she stares at me and not once blinking.

The waiter cuts off the uncomfy situation i put myself in as they take our orders.

As soon as the waiter leaves she turns her head to look at me and i look everywhere else other than her eyes.

"Look at me" she says in that low tone that weakens my knees. God i hate how weak she makes me but i won't show it.

I shift in my seat trying to find a comfortable position. I steal glances of her, but not once do i follow her instruction.

"I don't like repeating myself sweetie" she says, and i can hear the authority and slight annoyance in her voice.

I slowly lift my head to look at her, and i feel my breath hitch and get stuck in my throat, the waiter brings our glasses of water but Ms.Hayes doesn't move her eyes off of me, i quickly grab a glass and gulp it down to sooth the dryness that i suddenly felt in my throat.

"Slow down there pumkin" she says holding the glass away from my mouth. I keeo my eyes locked on hers as she puts the glass down and uses her thumb to wipe away the water residue on my lips. I feel the softness of her hands, and feel how time just slowed down at her action, that simple movement had me whimpering for her touch once she stopped, i felt chills down my spine and butterflies in my tummy, the good kind.

I choke on my own saliva and cough, how stupid of me. Wow way to play it cool Rose.

"You good.??" She asks and i think i see concerne.?? In her eyes.

"Yeah I'm okay" LIES.

"You sure.??"

"Yes I'm sure" i say to her, to avoid any questions.

She stands up from her side of the booth and i watch her in confusion as she gets uo and walk towards me. She motions for me to scootch over and i do as she 'says'. She sits beside me and i can't help but take a whiff of her intoxicating scent. God she smelks amaizing, and i just can't get enough of her scent.

I hear her chuckle and i feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

I look at her as she is seated beside me, she turns her head to look at me and i feel her hand on one of mine on the table.

"Relax." Easy for you to say.

I instead nod, not knowing what to say.

"So tell me..." she says taking a sip of her water.

I watch as her adams apple moves up then down. And watch as her jaw slightly moves. Everything is going in slow motion. And i think it's getting hot in here.

"What's your favourite food.??" She says placing her glass down and snapping me out of my daze.

"Urmm... i urhh...spaghetti.??" I say more like ask.

"Are you telling me or asking me amór.??" Damn. That sounded so sexy coming from her lips.

She stares at me and it feels like we're the only peopke on this earth.

"Urm yeah i am urh. Telling you.... my favourite food is spaghetti, and mince. With cheese on top and a little but of chutney/sweet chilli sauce" i say feeling my mouth water just from the mention of my favourite meal.

I see her lips twitch as i notice her fighting off a smile.

"Mmm." She hums.

"And you.??... what's your favourite food.??" She looks at me and i see her eyes darken... Hmm weird.

"I like lasagna" she says, she licks her lips while staring at me in a way i don't know how to explain, but it she made my core tender.

I see her eyes trail down to my lips then to my chest, and quickly to my eyes again.

I clear my throat as i see the waiter coming closer with our orders.


The rest of the date was good, we talked a bit and learned some things about each other, apperently her favourite colour is grey. How dull.

After finishing our meal we went to her car and went to a nearby park.

I hear my phone vibrate indicating i just recieved a text messege. I look at my scream and graon in annoyance.

"You okay.??" I hear her soothing voice. I want to tell her no but instead i lie.

"Yeah I'm good" i lie.

She looks at me for a few seconds before saying " i hate being lied to" looking at the pond.

I sigh and look to the pond as well.

"It's my ex..." i say feeling annoyed about him texting. I turn to look at her and notice her jaw clenched.

"Your ex.??" She says not sparing even a glance towards me, instead staring at the grass in front of us in the empty park.

"Yeah..." i say and sigh.

I see her pinching the bidge of her nose and look at me.

"He wants to get back together. And i unfortunately am not interested." I say filling up the silence.

For some reason i felt the need to reassure her as to why he's texting.

"Hmm" she hums not saying anything else.

Well this is uncomfy.

The drive home was tense, you could cut through the tension with a knife because of how thick it was.

Ms.Hayes has not said much since we were at the park. And I'm starting to get worried. I really don't understand why exactly she's acting like this but it's bothering me.

I clear my throat trying to get her attention and she looks at me while stopping in front of my apartment complex. She turns her whole body and stares at me for a while.

"Is he bothering you, or can you handle him.??" I see the seriousness in her eyes.

"He can't do much. It's okay i can handle him." She humms and looks to the road in front of us.

I reach for the door handle but stop to look at her before i open the car door and step out, but before i fully get out of the car, i feel her hand on my wrist gently holding me. She turns her head and looks at me.

"Goodnight pumpkin" she says lowly and i see a little smirk on her face as she notices the effect she has on me.

Dammit...why does she have to be so enchanting.

"Goodnight Ms.Hayes" i say to her.

She lets go of my wrist and i exit her car. Closing her car door then i walk towards the elevator. I turn to see her watching me go inside, the elevator doors open and i enter. She doesn't move until the doors close again, i hear her engine roar indicating she's leaving.

I sigh feeling slight happiness and also frustration thinking of how blake-my ex- had managed to ruin a beautiful night like this.

A/N this chapter is short and boring. I just wanted to update since i haven't been updating in a while now. Please vote and comment.

I would love to hear your feedback. And if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

I'm just a lonely Homosexual. I don't bite😅💀😭.

Love you✨.

HER SWEET CRIES. GXG.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें