chapter10: Go talk to him.

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The ride to the ice skating rink wasn't too bad, i feel like Miss Hayes no actually Natalie and i are becoming very good friends.

Although I'm sensing a deeper relationship, ...but i don't think it is very appropriate for two women to date, I mean she hasn't said anything about being together but the atmosphere sends very mixed subliminal messeges.

I mean, it is very common here in America for two females to openly date, even in South Africa, it's just that... i don't know, i don't think I'm a Homyphonesexual or whatever the term is, 'i should actually search that term and do a little bit of research'

The car stops and she turns to me, "Are you ready.?"

I let out a nervous laugh and say "yeah...?" Well more like ask.

She chuckles and continues staring at me "why do you seem nervous though.?" She asks tilting her head

Gosh she can be so cuuuute!!

I feel my lips twitch into a wide grin, I snap myself out of my daze and hear her chuckle again.

"Im not sure..." i say looking at her nervously.

"Relax it's not that bad" she says trying to reassure me

"I know, and i actually don't know why and what I'm nervous about" i say lerting out a sigh.

"Come on smile a bit, this is supposed to be a fun day... it is your birthday after all  isn't it" she asks me while slightly tilting her head. I nod my head, "well come one, loosen up, you'll enjoy it" she a rather demanding tone and i have no choice but to try to relax.

'Why am i nervous though'

I let out a slow breath before saying " okay, let's go" trying to continue as if I'm not scared of making a total fool of myself infront of Natalie by falling on my butt on the ice.

She chuckles and holds my hand "It's okay to be scared, when trying something for the first time."she reassures me, i feel a little tingle in my tummy and my cheecks automatically heat up from her holding my hand.

She gets out of the car and walks to the side i am sitting on and opens the door for me, she offers me her hand amd i take it, stepping out of the car.

I let out a big exhale and she locks her car as we start walking towards the building. She opens the door for me, and i say my thanks and we contine walking.

This place is huge, the walls are extremely tall and the cieling is so High up, i swear i saw a bird's nest up there and maybe a burd or two flying up there.

It is actually not even cold in the building, i thought it would be freezing, so that the ice doesn't melt , but it is actually quite warm and cosy, I'm shocked for a building this big.

I look to Natalie and give her a warm smile, she sends me a smile just as warm as mine, she holds my handand we walk to the counter and got our tickets, they ask our shoe sizes, and I'm shocked when Natalie says "a size 10" my head snaps to her and i swear i can feel my eyes threatening to pop out of my head. She chuckles and shrugs "Probably a size 8 in South Africa". I stare at her for a second before facing the person on the other side of the counterwho was now giggling a bit at what just happened.

We take of one shoe each and hand it to the lady helping us, she brings us our skates and we take them and walk to the changing area, we place the other shoe that was left on each of our feet, on the shelf that's on the wall, and wear our skates. Natalie helps me tighten my skates on by my legs a little bitand looks up at me while kneeling in front of me, i feel my tummy swirl and my cheecks heating up. She doesn't break the eye contact, and i suddenly feel hot, and i think i might even be sweating. I see her eyes darken a bit and i wonder why, she uses my thighs to lift herself up from the kneeling position, and gives me her hand, I'm still flustered by what just happened so it takes me a second before i finally give her my hand.

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