chapter4:can't get my mind off of her

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One week later...

It's been a week since i last saw Ms.Hayes.

She called me the Morning after her meeting telling me to save her number, 'because I'll be needing it way more than i think i will'. Whatever that means...

I stare at my naked self in my body length mirror in my room. My hair need to be washed, it's all frizzy, my hair can be very stubborn, as it has very prominent curls, I've never dyed it before, i don't know... it's not that I'm scared of dying it, it's just that I've never thought of doing it.

I stare at my skin that is glistening in the morning  sun's rays,my smooth caremel skin is glowing under the sun's embrace.

I watch how my waiste curves in and my thighs look curvier than normally, I've never thought i had an hourglass shaped body, my mother always called me 'skinny, with huge breasts', i- unlike my sister- have no big ass, but I've got wider hips, while my sister carries her big backside, I'd like to say i inherited the hips from mom while she(my sister) took her ass, because mamma got both.

I stare at my slender curvaceous body in awe, I've never noticed how beatiful i am, people have called me gorgeous but I've never seen much of that. But ever since I've stayed away from mirrors for this past week, getting to know myself, without looking at myself in the mirror, I'm starting to grow more aware of my beauty.

...ironic isn't it. The less i see myself the more aware i am of my beauty.


After about an hour of staring at myself i decided to get my sketchpad and start sketching myself in mirror. Making sure to get as much as every detail as i can see and put on paper.

I stand and sketch myself for a long while, until i feel satisfied with what i have.

I stare at my creation and analyse every detail, line, aspect, emotion and expression i put on and in it.

I fail to explain what i see as i stare in awe, shocked by my own sketch. I decide i store it in my 'art chest of drawers', putting it in the "to be further analysed" drawer, i sound very organised don't i..??...;)

Well my art is one of the only things i keep organised and neatly and safely stored.

I walk into my walk in closet and search for something comfortable to wear as I've been standing naked in my room for god knows how long, and I've gotten a bit cold.

I slip on a  grey oversized hoodie and matching sweatpants, with white and grey nike socks, and my black yeezy slides. And brush out my hair and put in into a rather unintentionally messy bun.

I walk out of my closet and go downstairs to my airy kitchen and prepare myself a snack deciding on two Snickers bars, a can of Coke, some popcorn,Lay's and a ham sandwich with; cheese, tomatoes,cucumber,lettuce,some mayo and a bit of seasoning. Pretty unhealthy i know, but I'm having a lazy day,and I'm thinking of watching a movie.


I stare blankly at my laptop screen as i wait for my powerpoint to finish transferring to my assistant Jessica.

I'm exhausted i haven't had a good night's sleep in days. Work has been... a lot lately. I barely have time to myself, and it's not that i can't take a break. Ofcause i can, I'm my own boss, but i do enjoy working even though it can be too much, but i would rather be at work than staring and my ceiling looking at nothing.

For this past week i haven't been able to stop thinking about that Rosetta girl, she's been on my mind every second of the day, and it's starting to bother me, cause I'm not one to reminise about people.

I just can't get my mind off of her, how she stares at me speechless, and breathtaken by me, how her eyes say it all, even before her mouth does, how she stares at me and analyses every inch of me even though i don't think she knows i notice. I can't get my mind off of her intensity, how she searches for a response from me when i speak and how cute she looks when she thinks, how adorable it is when she stutters and stumbles on her words in my presence.

I can't get my mind off of how submissive she looks yet she seems to be dominant. She has this intense look that i saw on her, and i could tell that she can be very good at hiding her thoughts and emotions. I could tell by her body language that she knew how to carry and control herself and demeanour. I felt her eyes on my waiste, chest and lips whenever i wasn't looking, and I'd catch her starring and my chest and lips every now and then. She seems so mysterious, as if there's a lot that she's  hidding. I don't think she realises just how astonishingly beautiful she is.

She looks exotic as if she's not from here, and her accent proved my theory, but i can't seem to pinpoint where it's from, her english is so good even better then mine. She has this respectful demeanour, that carries so much power, more than i think she knows, but i could tell that she could be very dismissive and a deep thinker, and she seems like a person you do not want to cross. That is if you really analyse her wich is exactly what i did.

I'm sure people have taken her for a pushover, only to be proved wrong.

My phone chimes, breaking my train of thoughts...


"Hello?" I answer the phone while i get off my couch and walk towards my kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Ms. Hayes." She says, hesitence filled in her tone.

"Yes, talk to me Jessica..." i say trying to be gentle, so that she can tell me what's wrong.

"M-...Miss.Hayes, you haven't sent the presentation yet and-...and i was just...  getting worried you might've... forgotten, I'm just calling to make sure you remember, and also b-because i w-was planning to sleep early tonight." She says in a shaky tone, that's filled with fear.

"I sent the presentation Jessica..." i say confused by her statemeng.

"Urm... Ms.Hayes but i haven't gotten it yet." She says in a confused tone. I can sense her starting to panic.

"Let me check, I'll call you if there's any mishaps" i say and not even waiting for her reply i drop the call.

I walk towards my couch and grab my laptop and when i check the screen the presentation hasn't gone through yet, it must be my wifi again, i nedd to get a new one, cause getting this one fixed would be no use as it will do this again after some time.

I sigh and call Jessica, i tell her the presentation will take a while since i need to get new wifi.

I feel so tired and drained, i definitely need to take a vacation. I just don't know when.

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