A Brighter Future

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(Ten years Later)

(Yu pov)

I smiled as i sat at my desk while looking through the photo's on my computer, Alot has happened since Salem was Defeated. There were massive celebrations all across Remnant as everyone was told of the battle that had signified mankinds victory over the Grimm, And while they were still a threat they were much less organised and much weaker than before.

It turns out that most of the truly powerful varients of Grimm were made by Salem herself to torment mankind but with her gone all that was left were the standard types. People began to settle in new areas, After they submitted a request for assistance and teams could be sent out to build defenses for the towns, And although it's an ongoing effort it's progressing well.

My own life however was less than great just after the war ended as i had to grovel for almost a full week to Blake, It was understandable given that i had sent her away right before the fight but i stand by my choice.

I was forgiven after i asked Blake to marry me, She was so happy it's like i was never in trouble but i always made sure not to make her to mad again. Blake gave birth to twins and we named them Rei and Enji. At the age of four the kids quirks came in and let me tell you i was very surprised, Rei can completely command all four elements and Enji can manipulate Shadows and Black fire which is far more powerful than my Hellflame, Ghira and Kali are the most doting grandparents in the world.

Ghira was crowned King of the Faunus and now lived in the new city that was constructed on the central continant. At first there was some confusion about why someone was chosen as King but as the Faunus hadn't had one before it was accepted especially after the world was told how Ghira eliminated the White Fang for good. All in all the Faunus are enjoying a golden age as the racial tensions have gone down significantly.

I Married Yang as well but we didn't start thinking about children right away, It was about four years ago that we had our first one, A boy and we decided to call him Tai after Yang's father then a year later Yang had our second this one is a girl her name is Summer, We dicussed it and felt it was fitting. The children haven't developed their Quirks just yet but even if they don't i have plenty to go around. Tai and Raven decided to give things another go i just wish they'd told us first then we wouldn't have walked in on Tai bending her over the coffee table in the house on Patch, Damn that was embarrassing.

Ruby has been hard at work as a Pro Hero together with her boyfriend and yep it's Whitly Schnee, Weiss never had a problem with it not that she has had the time recently. Willow took over the S.D.C but Weiss has had her hands full as a part time Pro Hero and full time Idol, Her list of albums is ever growing.

Qrow decided to stay in Atlas with Robin Hill who are now an item and let me tell you she put a stop to the drinking pretty fast so i exchanged Dragon breath for Fire breath which doesn't require alcohol to use so thats good.

Jaune and Pyrrha had a healthy boy they named James after the General who is still headmaster and military leader of Atlas, He's also very attentive with Jaune and Pyrrha's son. Whenever he's in the area of Vale he always checks in with tons of gift's for his adpoted nephew. Young James actually got a few Quirks One for super strength that get's stronger with age and weather control. He'll be just as great as his father one day i'm sure,

Ozpin never came back, Oscar has been working at Beacon, Thanks to the memories he gained from Ozpin he has a position as a teaching assistant to Dr. Oobleck, As for Beacon well it has a new name now.

Beacon National Hero Academy

And as it's Headmaster i couldn't be prouder of it if i tried. Many young hopefuls come every year to apply for the Hero course, Inspired by the current number one Hero Paragon. Jaune has given the people of the world hope like i could never have done, Every time Uncle Might's trademark "I AM HERE" Is heard everyone feels so much safer. Pyrrha teaches weapon skill's here.

As for Ren and Nora they're kind of Nomadic they frequently vanish to keep watch over towns and villages that are isolated so that what happened to their home doesn't happen anywhere else.

My intercom went off so i reached over to answer it.

Yu : Yes is there a problem Glynda ?

Glynda : No Headmaster but your Wife is here.

Yu : Please send her in.

My office door opened and in came Blake with the twins, Rei immediately came running over to me shouting and leaping in for a hug.

Rei : Daddy !!

Yu : Hello Rei how are you feeling today ?

I asked while petting her head as she giggled, Enji came over and stood beside me and looked into my eye's like he wanted something so i put out my other hand and petted his head too.

Yu : Hello son are you okay too ?

They both told me that they came to see the newest group of students as they were arriving, These new students don't have Quirks yet but if they get into the Hero course they will be given one just to get them started, In a few decades more Quirk users should start to be born as the next generation have their own families and Quirks begin to spread among the poplulation.

Blake : There are plenty of applicants this year so we might have a few rough diamonds that we can shine up.

Yu : Well then i'll be on my way to the assembly hall to greet them.


(Student pov)

??? : Welcome to Beacon students.

Student 1 : Is that him ??

Student 2 : Yeah it's the Black King of Beacon

Student 3 : He's kind of hot for an old man.

(Yu pov)

My heart almost stopped when i heard that 'I'm only 29 for god's sake' i shouted in my head as i felt a vein pulse on my head.

Yu ; As i look out into this sea of hopeful young faces i can't help but be excited to see what you can all do. The life of a Hero is not always easy and there will be many tough challenges ahead. But if you make it through the all the hard choices that a hero must make you will be stronger for it.

Tommorow you will compete for a place in the Hero course by taking an series of tests. Everything about you will be taken into account by our panel of judges and they will award you points based on your performance, Please enjoy the evening and rest well because tommorow is when things get serious.

And once again students Welcome to Beacon.

Students : PLUS ULTRA !!

After that Me, Blake and the kids left and went home , I knew that the staff would make sure the students were comfortable for the night so we returned to our Home on Patch not far from Tai and Ravens were our traditional Celebration was set up.

I gave a genuine smile as i entered the house and saw everyone was there, Even team CVFY and Amber showed up as did Master Maria who was dancing with her wife Glynda. Jaune came over and hugged me tightly as did everyone else and we settled down to have dinner and raise a toast to our ten years of peace.

The End

(A/N This was more of a wrap up chapter to let everyone know what happened to the main cast

Thank you to everyon for reading this story we are grateful for your votes and comments)

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