Internal Strife

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(A few days later)

(Yu pov)

I was talked into coming down to Vale by Ruby so that i could take a look at the preparations for the Vital Festival and as i know little of this world's culture i agreed that it would benefit me in the long run.

And as i was walking with team RWBY, Weiss was going on and on about how exciting the planning for this must be, Well i suppose this is slightly bigger in scope than the U.A festival so i gave her that one.

Yu : Hmmm this is quite impressive, It takes me back to when we would have festival's at U.A.

Weiss : Oh what kind were they ?

Yu : Well the different classes can put on whatever activities they like, Some do play's or food stall's but my favorite was introduced by my Aunt Jiro, Every year since she started it Class 1-A put on a rock show.

Ruby turned to me and seemed concerned probably because i mentioned my family and she didn't want me to be upset.

Ruby : Are you okay Yu ?

I just patted her on the head which got a slight growl from Yang.

Yu : I'm fine Ruby they are very happy memories for me.

Just then i took Yang's hand and whispered in her ear.

Yu : Relax Darling i'm just thanking her.

Yang whispered back in my ear.

Yang : Yeah i know, But i do get jealous even of my sister

I just smirked and Kissed her cheek which got a massive grin out of her.

Yu : Don't get jealous of her i think of her as a little sister like you obviously do.

We then walked by what looked like the same shop that got robbed the night i met Ruby. We heard the detective talking about how the White Fang were involved and i gritted my teeth as apparently i hadn't got all the Vale cell during the fight a few day's ago.

Weiss: Hmph the White Fang are nothing but Terrorist's and Killers.

Blake seemed to take offense at this and they began to argue about the nature of the White Fang with Blake saying they were just misguided and Weiss saying that they were all just Evil. Until we were broken out of the debate.

??? : Hey stop that Faunus.

I looked and saw a monkey type Faunus running up the dock towards us when he jumped up to a lamppost and peeled a banana and threw the skin at a cop.

Sailor : You no good stowaway.

??? : Please i'm an excellent stowaway, You never even knew i was there.

He then jumped off and started to run past us but i knelt down and activated the Quirk Softening

Quirk - Softening

Description - Softening allows the user to soften anything they touch, effectively turning solid objects semi-liquid.

Softening works on anything solid, such as ice, metal or the ground, and it possesses great range. The softened objects become similar to mud or quicksand, trapping and sinking anything caught on it. To revert the effects of Softening, Yu only needs to touch the softened object a second time.

Softening is extremely effective against enemies who rely on ground or building mobility, as those become unstable footholds for one to move through. A softened structure or spot might look normal at first glance, but will lose its apparent solidity once someone steps on it, meaning Softening works well for laying traps.

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