Finishing Touches

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(Yu pov)

I was sitting in combat class waiting for Professor Goodwitch to arrive when i saw Jaune and his team along with Team RWBY enter and sit near me and i thought it was time to see just how far my apprentice has come.

Yu : Arc.

Jaune : Yes Master ?

Yu : Today in this class you are not to use 'it' at all.

Jaune looked very shocked and confused.

Jaune : But why Master ?

Yu : Because if you did it would not be fair as you are stronger than anyone else here aside from myself. So today you will rely on nothing but your own strength.

Everyone else looked at me with a look of disbelief and a few even snorted at the idea including some entitled looking shit stain.

Everyone else looked at me with a look of disbelief and a few even snorted at the idea including some entitled looking shit stain

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But before he could say anything the Professor entered and started the lesson.

Glynda : Welcome students to combat class, Here we will evaluate your physical abilities and grade you on your performance.

Yang looked like she was getting fired up by smashing her fist's together while most others simply paid attention.

Glynda : Now do we have any volunteers ??

And as predicted the shit stain put up his hand immediately.

Glynda : Ah Mr Winchester very good now anyone else ?

Yang was about to put up her hand but i grabbed it and whispered to her.

Yu : Not just yet darling you will have your chance soon enough.

She looked in my eye's and suddenly got a huge grin on her face.

Yang : Well okay but you have to make it up to me.

I nodded and nudged Jaune and he put up his hand slowly.

Glynda : Very well Mr Arc please go get your gear you two and prepare for battle.


The match was very disappointing Jaune lost swiftly and i saw exactly what his problem was and couldn't help but grin sadistically. The others saw this and it's almost as if they knew that Jaune was about to enter the deepest layer of hell and so they offered prayers for him silently.

Glynda : Well that was unusual, Mr Arc please think about training further as your combat prowess seems to be lagging it's nothing like it was at initiation.

Jaune looked at me and i was still grinning and he looked like he was about to beg for forgiveness but Professor Goodwitch spoke again.

Glynda : Now i will pick the next pair.

Cardin : I am still good for another match Professor.

Glynda : Oh okay then hmmm who shall be your opponent ?

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