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I turned to see many people in strange clothes that looked almost like a military uniform and they had surrounded me with their weapons drawn.

Yu : Well what do you want ? I don't have all night.

I was met with only silence, They seemed to be waiting for something and just then i heard the sound of a Bullhead so i looked up and realized just what was going on.

I was met with only silence, They seemed to be waiting for something and just then i heard the sound of a Bullhead so i looked up and realized just what was going on

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If i was right this was their leader and they had been instructed to just keep me here until he arrived. After the Bullhead had come to a stop the leader and his guards dropped down and stood before me brandishing their weapons.

Yu : So you are the one they were waiting for huh ? I did wonder why they refused to speak.

??? : Silence human you will speak when we allow you to.

Yu : Oh is that right ? 

A second later a shot hit the ground right by my foot and looked at the one who fired.

Grunt : Shut it human, You will not disrespect our leader.

I then reached the limit of my patience and use Half Hot, Half Cold to completely freeze him up to his neck in a solid block of ice.

Yu : Watch your tone with me, I may be a Hero but my patience is not unlimited

The rest gripped their weapons tighter and took aim until the leader stepped forward and put his hand up to signal them to calm down.

??? : Now human i am Adam Taurus leader of the White Fang in Vale and you will be coming with us as there is someone who wants to speak to you.

Yu : Well hello Mr Taurus, But i think you might be out of your depth here.

Adam : Please, You might have a powerful semblance but you can't take us all down.

Yu : You think so huh ? Well how about we make a wager ?

Adam : Shut up this is not a negotiation

Yu : Well then i guess it's time to end this.

I immediately activated Permeation everywhere except my hands and feet and combined Air Cannon and Hell Flame and unleashed two blasts directly at the grunts on either side of Taurus completely knocking them back and  unconscious.

Adam : Open fire NOW !!!

He yelled to the troops behind me but thanks to Permeation all the rounds went straight through and struck Taurus directly shattering his aura. I then turned to face the grunt's behind me and deactivated Permeation and activated Somnambulist.

Quirk - Somnambulist

Allows the user to put targets to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from their skin.

Somnambulist was described as being more effective on females than on males, giving Yu an obvious advantage against women. Regardless of that, anyone who breathed in enough of the aroma would eventually fall into a deep slumber, which would make it difficult for opponents to confront Yu at close range.

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