A new beginning

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(The next day)

(Cinder pov)

I woke with an intense pain all over my body and as i searched my memories the last thing i remembered was fighting Pyrrha Nikos before everything went black and now here i am shackled to a chair in the vault where i killed Ozpin.

I looked around the room but i could only see the pod and the lit up areas, everything beyond was doused in shadows so i immediately started to use my powers to heat up and try and melt the metal shakles holding me in the chair.

??? : I wouldn't waste my time if i were you.

My head instantly turned to the source of the voice and there he was, The man who had caused me so much trouble from having my servants arrested to turning Roman and Neo to his side.

Cinder : So you've got me are you here to gloat ??

Yu : No nothing like that.

He said with a shake of his head and a slight chuckle. 

Yu : I'm simply here to take back what you stole from a friend of mine.

I knew what he was talking about but how did he know the girl i had stolen the Maiden powers from, I decided to ask him.

Cinder : So you know the useless bitch i attacked ?

Yu : Yes she is a new friend of mine but a friend non the less.

He walked over to me and grabbed my chin and forced me to look him in the eye. I was immediately intimidated as his eye's were glowing red and he wore a face of absolute digust as if my very existance offended him.

(Yu pov)

This woman was exactly the kind of person i hated the most and i held nothing but the deepest contempt for her and those like her, She struggled slightly when i grabbed her chin and forced her to look me in the eye no doubt trying to keep some of the power in this situation but it was pointless.

Yu : Now i'm going to ask you a question and depending on how you answer will decide what i do next.

Cinder : Go on then you bastard !!

I smirked at her she was such a venomous little creature i just wanted to be rid of her but i needed to know just how she took the powers and how to get them back for Amber.

Yu : How did you steal Ambers powers and how do i give her them back ?

She started laughing and spat on my shoes so i used the quirk Razer sharp to turn my finger into a very sharp blade and pointed it right at her eye.

Yu : Do that again and i'll have to punish you, You should try to remain dignified in this situation after all you might not leave this room alive.

(Cinder pov)

He reached up to his chest and took out his handkerchief and proceeded to wipe his shoes where i had spat on them he then incinerated it with fire from his hand. I was getting scared as this man was emiting an aura of hatred and i felt a drop of cold sweat slide down the back of my neck.

Cinder : I was given a glove that would let me steal the powers but you're shit out of luck as the only way to get them back is to kill me and you huntsmen don't commit cold blooded murder.

He looked in my eye's and his glowed more brightly he moved his bladed finger under my chin and forced me to raise my head. It was then that i heard some haunting music.

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