A promise to keep

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(Yu pov)

I had just returned from the forest after dealing with Cardin and was racing toward the infirmary to help Jaune, After finding out it was because of my actions he was targeted i was feeling a little guilty.

As i entered the room i saw Team JNPR gathered around Jaune's bedside looking very upset mostly Pyrrha who was crying as it seem's they had gotten very close in the short time they had known each other.

Yu : I came as fast as i could, How is he ??

Ren : The nurse managed to remove the shards but the damage was significant and he will carry numerous scars on his face and head.

I was so angry that i bit my lip unconsciously but thanks to my Regeneration quirks it healed instantly.

Yu : This is my fault, Cardin went after him because he was scared of me but knew how close i was to Jaune so all blame should be placed on me.

Nora : No Yu it was all Cardin's fault he never thought of anyone here as a fellow student and saw us all as less than him.

Pyrrha looked through teary eye's and nodded to state that she agreed with Nora.

Pyrrha : She's right, He was so entitled and thought he was better than everyone here but when it came to show his strength he found he was lacking and it angered him to the point of attacking others.

Once again i looked at Jaune's face he was covered in deep gashes held together by butterfly stitches and i vowed that he would not receive a single scar.

Yu : I'm going to heal him, But i will have to remove the stitches first so don't be alarmed he will be fine and won't have a single scar, You have my word.

So i removed the stitches and put my head on his head and used Cell Activation.

Quirk - Cell activation

 Cell Activation - allows its user to activate the cells in their body or another person's body through touch. This increases regeneration, recovery time, and can even improve physical condition.

As i saw all of Jaune's wounds vanishing i suddenly felt something stirring within him, When in an instant we were all briefly blinded by a bright yellow light all around his body and his wounds seemed to vanish even quicker.

Yu : What is this ?

The other's seemed surprised by my question but quickly remembered that i had no Aura of my own and so this concept was alien to me.

Pyrrha : This is his Aura, Or that's what it feels like but there's something else happening.

She laid her hand on Jaune's head and closed her eye's and just then her body was covered in a bright red light.

Pyrrha : This is ....... Amazing, He must have unlocked his semblance because i can feel my Aura surging more than i ever have before almost like it's being amplified.

I was amazed and glad i chose Jaune as my apprentice as now he could only get stronger and was better equipped to deal with me if the worst should happen.

The light on both Jaune and Pyrrha died down and we all looked toward our friend only to see he was completely fine now and simply sleeping so i decided to take my leave.

Yu : I understand if you want to stay, But i must leave now as it seems like he will be fine now and just needs sleep.

Nora : But where are you going ? 

Yu : I have a promise to keep

And with that i left but looked back once more with a smile knowing that my friend would fully recover.

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