Chapter 35: Boss's a pet

Start from the beginning

Its core shines greatly under the moonlight too.

[But what does it do after reviving? Do I have to face it again?] I kind of want to avoid fighting that thing again since I value my life more than ever after surviving the encounter with it.

Yet I can't help but want to do it again for the sole purpose of learning its attack patterns and behavior that I have yet to see. In the guidebook, the monster's description isn't written here, rather it's the general info about slimes.

Slimes are creatures born from the mana and elements of the surroundings. A fire slime is born near blacksmith forges, an aqua slime is born near bodies of water, an earth slime is born...well in the ground, the others followed.

That ends with that, except there's a variant that does not follow such a theory and that's the special individual variants. Beings born with abnormalities that make them unique from others, and these abnormalities can be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on the situation.

For this instance, there is a record of a Wyvern that developed another pair of wings. It could fly faster, and be agile than others, and ultimately it also gained the ability to cast wind magic. The problem? Its mileage was the worst, as it was constantly draining its mana whenever it flew. There's also another case about a dragon evolving into an undead dragon after dying, well, one would get the gist of what it looks. It has the ability to revive so many times, but each revival causes it to about an ability that has a down side.

Then there comes this, there is little information about the corrosive miasma slime. I have no idea about it other than it being quite caustic. The fight earlier gave me the information of its general abilities and properties.

One, the corrosive miasma slime would make a trail of caustic acid when moving and a pool when it stays in one place. It also has a shock absorbing feature, it could potentially stop a bullet if I base it on the standards of this world, but the one I use is just different so perhaps that is the case. Third is its attack, it has a ranged and AOE attack which is the acid bolt. Lastly, it can split up when critically damaged, and ultimately merge back to show its true form which is the enhanced version of the base form after mitosis.

[Man, are you even a single cellular being or do you have more than one cell?] I don't know, but since it has a core...perhaps it's a prokaryotic cell in earth's standards? IDK, there's much to verify but I should at least use this otherwise I would forget about it.


Yes, yes please.


The core at my hand suddenly glowed and levitated. Dark aura soon surrounded the core...perhaps this is miasma from the dungeon? The dark aura looked like mist being sucked by a vacuum, thus it looked like mist descending from the mountains and then being sucked by the slime in my hand.


That left me with the black mass jiggling in my hand. A ghastly blue outer glow is currently occurring at its surface, making it looked like a miniature blackhole is within my hand. 

[...................] When the glow died down, what left me is the lump of black mass in my hand.

[Kyu?] (??) The fuck is this? What is this cute jiggly jelly? Why is it completely different when I faced it?

Roughly it has the same diameter of a pork bun that I once ate at the nearby Chinese restaurant back then across my workplace. It's kind of cute too, and it made me doubt whether this one was the exact one I have with my life on the line inside the dungeon. It's original size was almost half my body tall and as wide as a beanbag cushion.


[Well that works too] I've tamed it huh.............what a surprise. It's firmness feels like a fake boob, or an implant. Ahhh the nostalgia, why did I remember that too well?

What should I name it? There's a plethora of names available when it comes to a fantasy world setting, and most LN malemc would just name them with one word or two.

It's black, it jiggles, it's acidic, and moreover its cute and small having roughly the same size as a pork bun. What name should I give it? Naming it color is just kinda bland. Naming it with its monster name is also bland. I don't want to give it a shitty name, I want to give it something with a bit of practicality as well as ease of pronunciation, but I now have an idea as to what to call it.

[ does that sound?]

[Kyu! Kyu!] (Mime) It jiggled

[You like it?] 

[Kyu! Kyu!] (Mime)

[Hate the name?] 

[KYU!] (Mime) I see. Twice jiggling means affirmation, and once is a firm denial. That means it liked the name I gave it.

I hope it would realize why I named it mime, that is because it could not talk. Well mimes are supposedly silent but this one can make sounds. Haaaaaaaaaah. Let's leave the happy memory at that.


When you face the enemy boss for the 1st time:




-Can't die from the most advanced bullshit magic available


When you get to use the boss as a playable character:

-If Uwu got hit by a basic attack=> game over for you

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