Chapter 24: Wattpad's A Meanie So I Can't Write The Full Title

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The real title of the chapter is below:

Rita Skeeter's New Scoop That Morana's God Awful Boyfriend Is Quoted In


RITA SKEETER'S NEW SCOOP THAT MORANA'S GOD AWFUL BOYFRIEND IS QUOTED IN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh," Morana groaned in the girls' bathroom the next day, her arms crossed on a sink. She then put her head in her arms. She told us that she admitted getting a little drunker than she meant to.

"I told you not to drink so much," Aura said cockily. I guess she had talked to Morana after the Yule Ball and told her not to drink anymore than she already did. My other guess is that Morana didn't listen.

"If I had known it was gonna hurt this much I wouldn't have!" Morana complained, picking her head up to look at Aura.

Aura sighed. "Here, have some water." She handed Morana a glass of water.

Morana groaned some more.

"Drink it! You'll feel better!"

Morana mumbled something to herself, then drank the water.

"You guys were so stupid for doing that," I said to Morana.

"Yeah," Morana sighed, "I know. If I could take it back I would."

"Water won't actually help a hangover as much," Xenia said as she was reading her book. "You should drink some coffee."

"But I've never had coffee."

"First time for everything," Xenia shrugged, still reading her book.

"Auramakemehacoffffee," Morana slurred.

"Aura who-da ha-da?" Aura asked.

"Make. Meh. A. Coffffee," Morana repeated.

"Uuugh, fine!" Aura used her Gryffindor ring to make some coffee in the Hogwarts kitchen, then she magically transported it to the girls' bathroom. "Ta-da! I even added some chocolate syrup and whatever to make it not taste bitter!"

Morana half-smiled as she took a sip of her coffee. Her eyes widened. Then she looked at the coffee. "Where have you been all my life?"

I laughed. "Talking to coffee like it's the love of your life." I sighed. I honestly don't know why I found it that funny. "Hey, speaking of the love of your life. How are you guys and your boyfriends?"

"We're good!" Aura answered. "I mean, last night was only our first date, but I think it's going really well so far!"

"Well," Xenia said with a smile, looking up from her book, "seeing as last night we had our first kiss I'd say pretty damn good."

"We-we're good," Morana said, blushing. She took another sip of her coffee. "Hm, this is really good."

"How good is good?" Aura asked with a smirk.

"R-really good," Morana said, blushing harder. She took another sip of her coffee. "So. Who else suddenly wants to go to the library?"

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