Chapter 32: A Vision Of Death

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Harry and Cedric were both laying on the ground, the Triwizard Cup in between them... It mayhap be a Portkey...

"Where are we?" Harry asked after raising his head.

Cedric shook his head, probably not knowing where they were. He stood up, helped Harry up, then they both looked around.

They definitely weren't at Hogwarts anymore. They were in a dark and overgrown graveyard with the silhouette of a small church beyond a large tree to their right. There was a hill that rose above them to their left. Their was an old house on the hillside, but the outline was barely visible.

Cedric looked down at the Triwizrd Cup then up at Harry. "Did anyone tell you the cup was a Portkey?"

"Nope," Harry answered. He looked around the graveyard. "Is this supposed to be part of the task?"

"I dunno," Cedric spoke nervously. "Wands out, d'you reckon?"


The two pulled out their wands. Harry kept looking around...

"Someone's coming," Harry said suddenly.

Between two graves a black figure came nearer to them. The figure was walking wearily, and I couldn't make out the face. He was short and wearing a hooded cloak pulled up over his face. The person was holding something in his arms. It looked like...either a bundle of robes or a baby... But as I looked at it closer the object looked like something from a dream... But I wasn't thinking clearly so I couldn't tell what it was...

Harry lowered his wand slightly, and glanced at Cedric as Cedric looked at him quizzically. They then looked at the figure.

The figure stopped when it was six feet away from them beside a towering marble headstone.

Suddenly Harry's hand fell out of his hand as he put his hands to his face. His scar might've hurt again... He fell on the ground since his knees buckled under him.

"Kill the spare," a high, cold voice spoke. I got chills up my spine. That voice...

It belonged to Lord Voldemort.

Peter Pettigrew was the next person who spoke, or rather screeched, "Avada Kedavra!"

Green light flashed from Peter's wand and struck Cedric, killing him.

At Hogwarts I screamed, covering my mouth. I was gonna cry. I knew I was. I might not still like him like that anymore but he was still my friend... I still cared...

And now he's gone.

Everyone at Hogwarts was staring at me, unsure of what just happened. Luckily Morana was a quick thinker and a good liar.

"She's fine!" Morana announced. "She just saw a spider and freaked! Id's all good now!"

Apparently I had accidentally shown my vision to the three other girls... The way that Aura and Xenia started looking at me...

I started crying. And it wasn't like a good cry where it's just out all at once. It was like a hideous sob where I had to take deep breaths in between because I was crying so much.

"Hey hey, it's okay," Aura said, hugging my side. I slightly hugged her back due to my extreme sadness.

"Oh, move over!" Xenia said as she stood up, moved to sit next to me, and sat down after Aura and I scooted over. Xenia hugged my other side and I kept crying.

"Ohh, f**k it!" Morana said. "C'mere!" Morana kneeled behind me and hugged me. "Shh, it's okay." Morana stroked my hair.

I felt better in this hug. Still upset, but at least better. The vision continued...

By now Harry had stood up. Peter Pettigrew dragged Harry towards the marble headstone. The light from Peter's wand showed he name on the headstone:


Ropes started going around Harry, tying him, from neck to ankles, to the headstone. Harry struggled and Peter hit him with his hand that was missing a finger.

"You!" Harry gasped.

Peter checked the tightness of the ropes with his fingers trembling. Peter made sure that Harry couldn't move before taking a black material thingy from his cloak and stuffing it in Harry's mouth. Peter then hurried away from Harry. Meanwhile the baby-like thing (Lord Voldemort) was at the foot of the grave. Nagini, Voldemort's snake, was circling the grave through the grass.

Peter was pulling a stone cauldron across the ground to the foot of the grave. There was a liquid already in the cauldron. There was suddenly fire underneath the cauldron. Nagini slithered away.

The liquid heated quickly, and the surface began to bubble and even send fiery sparks. There was thick steam too.

"Hurry!" He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named said to Peter. The whole surface of the liquid had sparks.

"It is ready, Master," Peter said.


Peter picked Lord Voldemort up and the four of us gasped. He was hairless and scaly-looking and was a dark, raw, reddish black. His limbs were thin and feeble. His face was flat and snakelike with gleaming red eyes. Peter lifted him, his hood falling back. Peter then placed Voldemort in the water.

Peter raised his wand as he closed his eyes. He spoke, his voice shaking from fear, "Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!"

The grave in front of Harry cracked. Dust from the grave then fell into the cauldron. The water hissed and sparks were sent in all directions and turned a poisonous-looking blue.

Peter was whimpering now. He pulled a long, thin, shining silver dagger from inside his cloak. His voice broke into petrified sobs. "Flesh - of the servant - w-willingly given - you will - revive - your master."

Peter stretched his right hand in front of him. It was the hand missing a finger. He gripped the dagger tightly in his left hand and swung it upward. He had cut his own hand off. The potion turned a burning red at this point.

Peter was gasping and moaning, probably because he had just cut his own hand off. He was now in front of Harry, who had his eyes shut. "B-blood of the enemy...forcibly will...resurrect your foe."

Peter cut Harry's right arm and put his blood in a glass vial. He fumbled over to the cauldron and put Harry's blood in it. The liquid in the cauldron was now blindingly white.

Peter dropped to his knees and slumped sideways. He laid on the ground as he cradled his arm. He was gasping and sobbing.

The sparks in the cauldron went in all directions. It was incredibly bright...

The sparks were then suddenly extinguished. White steam came from the cauldron instead of sparks that got thicker and thicker.

The mist became thinner. There was an outline of a man, tall and thin. He rose slowly from the cauldron.

"Robe me," said the high, cold voice from behind the steam. The voice sounded similar in tone to Voldemort, but the pitch was different. His voice was lower pitched.

Peter got up and picked up the black robes from the ground. He put them over the figure's hand. The thin man stepped out of the cauldron and stared at Harry. The man's skin was whiter than a skull. His eyes were scarlet (ugh, my favorite color's now ruined). And his nose was flat like a snake's with slits for nostrils...

Lord Voldemort is back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A VISION OF DEATH~~~~~~~~~~~~

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