Chapter 26: The Second Task

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"Why would you go back to Luna?!" Morana yelled at me. It was later on the day that I caught her in the library. We were walking before we spoke, but once Morana spoke I turned around to talk to her. "I mean, she said that she thought you guys should break up, right?"

"Well, yeah, but -"

"But what?! I betcha there's nothing good after the but."

I frowned at Morana. "But just because we broke up doesn't mean we shouldn't get back together. I mean, Draco broke your heart. Look at you guys now! You've been dating for a year and two months now!"

"But to be fair, whenever he thinks about how awful he made me feel he apologizes so many times. He regrets it."

"Well, I regret breaking up with Luna!"

"Oh, sweetheart! As far as I can tell, she doesn't!"

"Well - I'll never know unless I ask her, right?!"


"Morana, I appreciate the concern, but I don't need it. Especially from a Slytherin bitch like you." I started walking away. I knew what I said was harsh, but I'd apologize later.

Morana didn't give me a chance.

"Excuse me?!"

I turned and faced Morana. "Yeah! You heard me!"

"But -"

"No! No, that's it! I don't want your help. I don't need your help. I control my life. Not. You!"

"I'm not trying to control your life! I'm just trying to help you!"

"Well, I guess you're done now! How about you go hang out with your little Death Eater friends and organize your own little club. Be the new Dark Lord and control everybody's lives!"

"How dare you?!" Morana yelled as she took a couple steps near me. "I am your best friend. Or at least one of 'em! I'm just trying to help you, you little bitch! I'm not trying to control your life. I never have!" She started crying here. "Even when you hung around with Mudbloods I didn't control your life. Okay? I'm just trying to help you. Because I f**king care about you. Please. Just let me help you. I love you, Aura. I really do. You're like my little sister. And that means that I'm gonna wanna help you with stuff like this. Just let me help you! Don't run and walk away being all pissed off at me. I just want to help. And for your f**king information, I. Would. Never. Ever. Become the Dark Lord. Nor do I like to control people's lives."

I stared at Morana. Her eyes didn't look as angry as her voice sounded. She looked like she just wanted to help. But my eyes must've been pure fire because of how mad I was.

"No," I growled with gritted teeth. "No. No. Go back to your precious library. I don't want your help. With anything. I'm just gonna go find Luna and see if she wants to go out with me again."

I started walking away again.

"You BITCH! You really are a f**king disgrace! Disgraceful Malfoy really suits you!"

I turned back around, and walked back over to her. This argument was really upsetting me here, and when I walked back over to her I started crying. It was sort of between an angry cry and a sad cry, much like Morana crying earlier. "Call me a Disgraceful Malfoy. I don't f**king care. I'd rather be a disgrace to my family then be like them."

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