Chapter 23: The Yule Ball

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"Stunning," I said with a smile.

"Robert is very lucky," Xenia nodded. "His date looks absolutely gorgeous."

Aura blushed with a small smile. "Thanks, you guys! Okay! Now, Morana's turn!"

"Morana's huh?" Morana asked. Aura grabbed Morana's wrists, and quickly spun her around and switched spots with her.

"Hmm..." Aura said, her arm crossed over her chest and the other one resting on it as her fist was on her mouth. She moved her hand to speak again. "Do you care what we do to you?"

"Well -"

"You know what I mean, Morana."

Morana smirked. "Well, any makeup, jewelry, and hair is fine. I want to look prettier than usual, but I don't want to look like a clown."

"Acceptable!" Aura said. She walked forward a couple steps. and looked Morana up and down. "Ring is fine. Necklace however -" Aura went to grab the back of Morana's snake necklace to take it off, but Morana quickly put her hand on the snake part of the necklace.

"The necklace stays on," Morana said firmly as she glared at Aura.

"But -"

"The necklace," Morana said slowly in a deadly voice. "Stays. On." Morana smiled. "Got that?"

"Yyy-yeah," Aura said, moving her hand away from Morana. "Sooo... Earrings!" She started going through Morana's jewelry bag. "Oo! These'll work!" She got out two earrings that looked like they were black jewels surrounded by diamonds on the part that would go on the ear, a small chain, then a bigger version of the black jewels surrounded by diamonds in a teardrop shape.

"Oo, yeah, I love those!" Morana said, moving her hair so Aura would put the earrings in.

Aura put the first one in and asked, "Hey, are these real diamonds?"

"Uhh, I think so," Morana answered as Aura moved to the other side of Morana.

"Oh, cool!"

"C-c-cool?" Xenia asked.

"We would be lucky to own diamonds, and you're talking about your earrings being covered in them and you just say cool?!" I nearly yelled.

"I'm sorry, Tess," Morana said, "but I'm extremely rich. My father bought this for me for my fourteenth birthday, and he spent a lot of money on them. Knowing my dad they might very well be real diamonds." Aura finished putting in the second earring. "Besides, if you ever wanna borrow them just ask!"

I half-smiled. "Thanks."

Morana smiled back at me.

"Makeup!" Aura said. "Tess, you mind doing eyeliner?"

"No, not at all!"

I grabbed the liquid eyeliner, walked over to Morana, and started doing her eyeliner as Xenia and Aura were talking about Morana's hair. I did winged eyeliner on her, and I put it on a little thick, but not as thick as I did Aura's.

"Alright!" I said once I was done her eyeliner. "You can open your eyes now! They should be dry!"

Morana opened her eyes, and her greenish-blueish eyes popped out now, very similar to how Aura's light gray ones did.

Aura then started doing Morana's hair. She did a pretty bun close to the top of her head, and let two strands of hair in the front, which she curled with her magic ring.

"Ta da!" Aura said as Morana looked up at the mirror. "Draco will fall even more in love with you tonight!"

"Th-th-th-thanks!" Morana stuttered with a smile. She stood up straight and faced Aura.

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