Chapter 77

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Beyoncé's POV
Knowles Household
September 2

"I love you." I pecked Onika's face.

If she wasn't attached to my skin before, she definitely was now. I wasn't complaining. Anything that made her comfortable was fine with me.

If I could stay like this forever, I would. But I had business to handle today-on behalf of Onika.

Currently, she was in my lap. It was impossible to even think of leaving at this second in time.

"Baby, I need to step out for a second." I whispered. That only made her whimper and hold me tighter. She buried her face deeper into my neck.

"No." She grumbled.

"I'll be right back." I reassured and drew hearts on her back with my fingers. "Just try to sleep."

If she was asleep then I'd be able to sneak out.

"Shut up." Her hand covered my mouth to shut me up. I lowly laughed as I moved it from my mouth. Then I brought it back to kiss it.

We stayed like this for an hour and she just wouldn't sleep. I was considering giving her a sleeping pill, just so I could go kill Milan and come back.

So I called in my reinforcement: Kelly.

When Kelly arrived, she took my role as Onika's cuddle buddy. Onika sent daggers my way when I was free from her hold, but soon got comfortable with Kelly.

"I'll be right back." I kissed her forehead, then her lips.

"Leave." She groaned. Which caused both Kelly and I to laugh.

I briefly hugged Kelly before heading out. Not without saying goodbye to my mama and Trent.

Once I left my mother's house, I was on my way to the farmhouse. The sun was already setting and the drive was long.

Too long.

So I put on some music. Onika's playlist to be specific. I loved her music taste.


"Y'all got rid of her phone tracker?" I asked as I walked down to the basement.

"Took it to the river."

"You got all her phone numbers on a note?" I asked as we approached the room.


"Are Swiss nem already here?" I asked when I got to the door. He nodded and I proceeded to tie my hair before entering the room.

Swiss, Chris and Wayne were already in there waiting for me. They looked up from what they were doing and stood when I walked further into the room.

"So what are you doing?" Chris asked.

"Let me get dressed before I decide." I said before we all put on our lab coats.

Today would mark the beginning of very dark days for Martin Lawrence.

Once I was clothed in what I wanted, I clicked my fingers for Milan to be brought out. When one of my men wheeled her out, her body was taped to a steel table.

The table was pushed to the very middle of the room where there was an adjustable lamp.

Tape was the only thing stopping her from bothering me with her incessant whining. But for the first part of this whole thing, I needed her to speak.

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