Chapter 35

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Onika's POV
Theme Park
July 15

"Are you sure, Ms Tina?" I reassured.

"Y'all better go before I change my mind." She waved us off.

"Thank you, mama." Beyoncé kissed her cheek before we walked away.

Ms Tina was going to take Zamora and Titan on the small and slow rides. Both of the kids were too scared to get on the big ones, so they were doing that for the mean time.

Kelly was at a food stand with Solange. Destiny and Trent were with us.

Trent and I were almost the same height, so we were both able to get on most of the rides.

As we walked away, Beyoncé took a hold of my hand and rushed us somewhere. "Come on, let's go on that one. Trent and Des, come on."

We all rushed to the line, and thanks to Beyoncé buying fast passes, we got to skip the line. I managed to ignore the annoyed looks of the people in the queue.

It was bumper carts. A simple way to start of the rest of the day.

"I'm going with Nicki!" Destiny shouted to Beyoncé before we got in our carts.

"We are going to demolish y'all." She spoke. Her accent peaking through.

At this particular park, the bumper carts had two seats for two people to get in. Destiny and I climbed in our car, she got in the driver's seat. Trent drove the cart he shared with Beyoncé.

"Destiny, you better not let them beat us." I said over the loudness at the park. We all buckled ourselves into our seats before the bumper carts turned on.

Destiny and Trent made it a thing to bump each other with the sides that Beyoncé and I were on. Every time we got close to each other, she tried to touch me.

"If you touch me, I'll beat your ass." I shouted at her, with a smile on my face.

"Try me." She stuck her tongue out. Her body jolted forward when Trent crashed into the barrier.

I burst out cackling, so did Destiny.

"Sorry, Ju." I heard Trent apologise, whilst backing up the car.

"It's ok, T. Hurry and bump them so they can shut up." Beyoncé muttered whilst rubbing the back of her head.

Without warning, Destiny and I went flying. All because of Trent driving straight into us.

We played and bumped into each other at least 10 more times before our time was up.

We all hopped out and our legs were numb. My legs ached like hell because of all the jerking and bumping.

"Let's go on that one." Trent pointed to a rollercoaster.

"We're tall enough." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the height measuring thing.

"Barely." Beyoncé fake coughed and I shot my eyes at her. She instantly looked away and we started walking to the front of the line.

When we got to the front, a new carriage came onto the tracks and we all sat down. Luckily, it was four seats per row.

Beyoncé and I sat in the middle seats, whilst the other two sat on the outside.

"This is kinda high off the ground." I looked at the peak of the ride.

"You'll be fine." Beyoncé placed her hand on my knee. I peeled it off and she smirked at me.

"Do I have time to swap seats?" I jokingly asked the ride operator. He smiled at us and sadly shook his head. "Damn."

As I was distracted talking to Destiny, the ride sped off. I screamed and my eyes shut tight.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed when there was a large drop. "Oh my g-"

Another drop came up and I stopped screaming. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I felt Beyoncé take a hold of my hand. I tried to look over at her but my body was held back by the pressure of the rollercoaster.

When I felt her grip slipping, I screamed at her because the ride wasn't over yet. "Bey! Don't let go, please!"

"Calm down!" She screamed over the ride.

"I can't- AHHHHH!" The coaster dipped again before slowing down.

I looked over at Destiny and she was looking at the view.

Once the ride came to a stop. The seats were undone and we all climbed out of our seats. Once again, our legs felt like jello. It was such a weird feeling.

"Eat your ice cream, Mora." I watched her eat the cone first. I knew if she ate the cone first then she'd get upset when the ice cream got on her.

"But momm-"

"Zamora." I warned.

"Ok." She sadly ate her ice cream.

"Mama, who's BeyBey talking to?" Titan asked whilst pointing somewhere. I tried not to look but I couldn't help it.

Beyoncé was talking to someone. The woman was smiling really hard and Beyoncé was seemingly flirting with her.

"Nicki? Do you know who that is?" Kelly turned to me.

"No? That's my first time seeing her." I mumbled whilst poking my cheek with my tongue.

"Guess what mommy?" Zamora randomly burst.

"What?" I looked over at her.

"Me and Ty saw her at Walmart with BeyBey." She spoke between licks. "BeyBey said it was nobody."

"Well obviously that's not a nobody." Kelly remarked before sipping her lemonade.

I struggled to maintain my facial expressions but I couldn't. Anything that I thought, showed on my face.

I watched them share a hug and cheek kiss before the girl disappeared. Beyoncé walked back over and I turned my attention to something else.

"Who's that?" Kelly pressed.

"No one." She ignored Kelly and walked to the seat next to Kelly, by her mama. "When are we heading home?"

"We can leave when these three want to." I pointed between Zamora, Titan and Trent.

"What about me?" Destiny asked.

"Girl you're 18, your main focus should be college." Beyoncé joked, then hid behind her mama whenxxxyolkk Destiny went to hit her.

"Punk." Destiny kissed her teeth and ate her dessert.

Beyoncé's POV

I'd been wanting to go to the theme park for a while, but when one of my guys told me Milan was going to be here, I changed the day to today.

My plan was working for the most part. We'd been texting a lot.

I purposely bumped into her at the park and we had an interesting conversation.

It wasn't anything I remembered but it was cool I guess.

When that was over, I went back to my family and was greeted by many concerned looks. No one had ever seen her. I wasn't going to explain her to anyone though.


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