Chapter 67

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Beyoncé's POV
June 5

The second I woke up, a smile was on my face.

I had a dream that I had sex with Onika, then when I turned over in my bed, she was there. Then I realised it wasn't a dream.

I peppered her face with kisses and she slapped my mouth and told me to leave her alone.

So I got out of bed and went to wash my face. Once I washed my face, I brushed my teeth.

I entered my closet and threw on some sweatpants with a random shirt. When I exited my closet, a smile was still plastered on my face. I was way too happy.

Since it was still morning, I was going down to get some breakfast. I skipped down the main stairs and strolled to the kitchen.

"Morning, Mary." I cheesed when I saw her already here and cooking.

"Morning, Beyoncé. I'm making a mixed breakfast this morning. Some waffles, pancakes, sausages, chicken and shrimp." She explained as she made a waffle.

"Ok, thank you." I was about to leave. "Can you seer the shrimp with Cajun seasoning?" I asked because that's how Onika liked her shrimp.

"Of course." She smiled and I left the kitchen. I went down to the cinema room to see if it'd already been cleaned.

I don't remember if I asked the cleaners to come or not. If it wasn't clean, I'd just do it. Onika had rubbed off on me so bad.

I got distracted with watching random life hacks on my phone. So by the time I'd gotten through my third video, Mary had finished cooking.

I went to get a tray. I piled on some food and extra shrimp for Onika. I thanked Mary a second time before going upstairs.

When I entered the room, Onika was stretching. She saw me and softly smiled.

"Morning." I beamed.

"Good morning." She yawned and sat back, dragging the duvet with her.

"I got you some breakfast." I walked over to her side of the bed and placed the tray over her lap.

"You didn't cook, did you?" She jokingly questioned me.

"No, Mary made this. You don't deserve my 5 star chef cooking." I rolled my eyes and climbed over her to get in with her.

I stole some shrimp from her as she ate. I watched her eat her food the whole time.

"Why are you watching me eat? And why are you smiling so much?" She asked me whilst taking a bite of her waffle.

"Because I love you." I pecked her cheek.

"I love you too." She smiled, kissing me. I knew I loved her because I was kissing her before she brushed her teeth.

"Finish eating so we can go bath together." I rushed her. She just waved me off and ate her food.

"My legs hurt so bad." She whined, looking over at me. "It's all your fault. I should've lied and said I wasn't ready."

"I'm sorry." I sincerely apologised with a smirk.

"For what reason did you think my legs could go back that far?"

"I've seen your legs go further, baby."

"And now where are we? I'm crippled and my legs are so sore." She dramatically spoke, smacking on a piece of chicken.

"You're about to finish, so I'll go run the hot tub." I stood up and went into my bathroom. It was huge for no reason. My bathtub was a hot tub.

I went in and poured her favourite soaps and scents in it. Then I lit some candles around it.

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