Chapter 30

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Onika's POV
June 24

Beyoncé parked outside of a salon and I hopped out. She turned the car off and walked after me.

I was going to get my nails done because I wanted to feel like myself again and I felt this was a step in the right direction.

I didn't invite Beyoncé, I just asked for a ride and she insisted on tagging along.

She never did her nails, but her nails were very well maintained. So I knew she came here and got them cleaned and glossed every other week.

"Thank you." I mumbled when she opened the door for me.

A few people turned and looked over at the door when it opened but I ignored them. I walked straight over to the desk at the front and asked if they had an opening.

Once I'd sorted that out, I went and sat down in one of the seats and a lady started working with me.

"Do you know which nails you want?" She asked politely. I nodded my head before saying the ones I wanted.

Beyoncé went and sat in the waiting area at the front whilst I got my nails done.

"Are y'all together? You'd look so good together." The lady doing my nails commented. I smiled before responding.

"We're not together, we're just friends."

"She's always here to get her nails cleaned. By herself or with a group of men or with her sisters."

"How often does she come here? If you don't mind me asking."

"Once every two weeks she's here. I'm assuming it's on her schedule to get her nails done on Mondays." She chuckled and I joined her.

We sat there as she did my nails. Beyoncé came over with a bag of Chick-fil-A. She pulled a chair up near me.

I didn't even realise she left the salon.

"I didn't know what you'd want, so I got the closest things to what you normally eat." She explained whilst opening the bag.

I shrugged as best as I could and waited to see what she'd gotten me.

"I got a spicy chicken sandwich, a salad and fries." She pointed in the bag. I smiled because that's something I would get.

"Thank you." I beamed. "But I can't eat."

"Why? Do you not like it? Are you not hungry?"

"No, my hands." I chuckled.

"I'll just feed you, it's cool." She shrugged and sat up. "Let me go wash my hands."

She stood and headed somewhere. I unintentionally watched her leave before turning back to my nails.

The nail lady gave me a knowing look and I blushed, looking away.

I waited for Beyoncé to get back, and when she did, she started feeding me. She'd gotten every sauce they had there because she didn't know which one I liked.

She fed me until my nails had finished being done. Then I needed to put them under the nail lamp.

I thanked the lady when Beyoncé stopped feeding me and we sat there talking. We were talking in hushed tones because we both hated people not being in their business.

"You come here every two weeks? Let me see your nails." I asked and she revealed her fingers to me.

They were very slender, which made sense. Her nail beds were exceptionally clean. I was kinda jealous of how they looked because mine were so jacked up.

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