Chapter 66

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Onika's POV
Bey's House
June 4

Today I was taking Beyoncé on a date. I thought it'd be a nice change to have me taking her places since that was something she always did.

I got past security and drove up the driveway. I told her to get dressy. We were going to a fancy sushi bar, so we had to dress up a little.

She refused to wear a dress because she said she wasn't feeling that today, so she was wearing a grey pant suit. Her hair was wavy and she did some light make up.

I hopped out of my car and opened the passenger door for her. I was exaggerating this whole thing but I could imagine it was nice to have some things reciprocated.

"Buckle up, sweet cheeks." I slapped my hand onto her thigh. She groaned on impact and I bursted out cackling.

"You want to be a top so bad." She peeled my hand off of her thigh.

"What do you mean by that? You don't think I'm a top?" I scrunched my face and looked over at her.

"I didn't say that." She shrugged and I hesitated the start the car up.

I started the car and drove out of her property.


"What are you ordering?" She asked me. I held the menu in my hand and read over it.

"I'm getting the green dragon rolls and pork soup dumplings." I told her before putting the menu down. "What do you want?"

"I'm getting the shrimp dumplings and the spring rolls with noddles inside." She pointed to the photos on the menu and put hers down.

"Oooh, I'm getting those shrimp dumplings too actually."

I called over a waiter and ordered our food. We got some appetisers and our drinks. So we ate those before our food came.

Since we were sat opposite each other, it was easier to have a conversation.

I took small sips of my wine between conversation and so did she. In our few months of dating, I put her onto different wines.

"I feel like you should move in with me." I blurted.

"Sure." She shrugged.

"Ok, that's not how this was supposed to go. You need time to think." I wasn't used to someone agreeing with me that quick.

"What? I practically live with you anyway. I've slept at your house 5 days this week and I only went back to mine because I had to get something."

"You're right."

"I'm always right, baby. I know everything." She winked at me.

"You know half of everything. I know the other half of everything else." I smiled. "That's how relationships work, right?"

"Close enough." She paused. "We should get married."

"Let's hold off on that." She was smirking so I knew she wasn't being serious. "We'll get married one day, maybe."

"So that's a yes?"

"Yes. We may get married in the future."

"That's starting to sound like an 'I don't know'." She pursed her lips. "I'll take the first yes that you gave."

"If I'm being honest, I was skeptical about even dating you. It was a rash decision, but I have no complaints so far."


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