Chapter 64

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Onika's POV
April 11

Beyoncé was pissing me off.

She wasn't even working out, she was playing on the machines. That was making me look bad since I brought her here.

"Beyoncé, behave." I gritted as she sped her treadmill up. She was going up to the 20s and being loud. I was on the one next to her, walking at a slower pace.

She slowed it down and started walking. She understood my tone and stopped messing around.

I don't even know why she came to bother me today. I'm guessing no one else was available.

Maybe this was how relationships worked.

I'd been in a few relationships but none of them were like this. I felt like there was equality in my short relationship with Beyoncé. Like my opinions mattered. So it was weird.

"You're wearing blue again." She smiled, bringing up a conversation from the day before. "You're so obsessed with me."

"I can't be obsessed with my girlfriend?" I only said that to see how the word sounded coming out of my mouth.

"Not like this." She scrunched her face. "I swear you never used to wear blue before we started really talking."

"I'm not seeing what you're seeing." I shrugged and continued to walk on the treadmill.

"If we were to go through your closet a year ago and your closet now, you'd see how the colour blue was sneaking in."

"I'll admit that I wear more blue now. But it's just a coincident. There's really no correlation between you and my clothes." I dismissed.

"Keep telling yourself that." She slowly nodded.

I fought the urge not to roll my eyes as I proceeded to increase my speed. Then increased the acceleration of the machine.

Beyoncé was mainly watching me the whole time. Like she couldn't keep her eyes to herself. This is why I liked having Kelly at the gym with me.

But Kelly had a long trial she had to study and prepare for.

"You're my new gym partner." I blurted and turned the machine off. As it slowed down, I turned to get to continue talking. "But only until Kelly's trial is over."

"I can live with that."

I climbed off of the treadmill and went to grab my stuff. Beyoncé did the same and we left the gym.

I drove us here, so we hopped in my car. She was my passenger princess today. She didn't act like it though.

So as I was driving, I placed my hand on her thigh and started acting like a nigga.

"You look good, Ma." I licked my lips, glancing at her then back at the road. "You fine as hell."

"Thanks?" She wasn't actually confused. I could tell she was trying to mock me because that's a response I would give depending on my mood.

I started cackling and put my focus back on the road. We were almost back at my house.

Ever since she got me that blender, I've been going to her house way less.

When I finally parked in my garage, we went in. I let her go shower as I started getting my smoothie ingredients.

I chopped up everything so it was blender ready.

Beyoncé came down from her shower in some of the clothes she left here. I left her in the kitchen and went to shower too.

As I was about to start undressing, my door opened and I pulled my gym shorts back up. I only did it out of instinct because she scared the shit out of me.

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