Chapter 47

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Onika's POV
Bey's House
September 5

I woke up to lots of shouting and yelling. This was backed up by a huge headache. I could feel my brain slamming against my skull.

I felt around my bed and realised it wasn't my bed. Then I realised it wasn't my house. That made me groan even louder.

My eyes fluttered open and I was surrounded by darkness.

"Open the fucking door." I heard from the other side of the door. Followed by another voice refusing the open the door.

I stayed still for a minute before standing up. Huge mistake because I almost fell to my knees, from the strength of my headache.

Once I'd steadied myself, I walked towards the door and stood there, with my ear to it.

I made out the voices to be Lani and Beyoncé. I wanted to roll my eyes so bad because they were being loud for no reason.

"Bey, who's in your bed? Just tell me."

"Why are you shouting? You're going to wake her up." Beyoncé tried to hush her.

This was only interesting because of the fact that I was the topic of discussion.

"Who is the bitch in your bed?"

"Nicki is not a bitch." Beyoncé calmly spoke.

"Nicki?! Are you serious?" Lani shouted. "That bitch told me y'all ain't sleep together? Imma beat yours and her ass."

My ass too?

"What did I tell you about that bitch word?" Beyoncé gritted. "No, we ain't sleep together."

"So why is she in your bed?"

"Because we're friends and we can share beds. She was in my bed because we were both hella drunk last night."


"If it hadn't been Nicki, it would've been Kelly, Ciara or even Solo. It really doesn't matter."

"You don't need to be sharing beds with your female friends."

"Ok, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I heard a kissing sound and walked towards Beyoncé's en-suite bathroom.

I took two minutes to washing my face and brushing my teeth before leaving the bedroom.

I opened Beyoncé's bedroom door and stepped out. When I looked up, they were still kissing. For whatever reason, I looked down at Beyoncé's boxers and she wasn't hard, so I chuckled and kept walking.

When they both thought I was out of earshot, I heard Lani speak again.

"Seriously? You have the bitch in the shirt I bought you?" I heard her cuss Beyoncé out.

I kept walking and looked down at the shirt. It was a plain blue shirt, so it wasn't too special.

I entered the kitchen and poured myself some orange juice. I knew it was going to taste like an atomic bomb in my mouth considering I'd brushed my teeth.

Since I left my phone in Beyoncé's room, I had no entertainment. The next best thing was bothering Solange.

I took the carton of orange juice with me to the guest area. I didn't knock before entering because she never knocked when she was at my house.

She was already up on her phone, so I hopped in the bed. We didn't exchange greetings, she just showed her phone to me. We watched whatever show she had playing for a good 30 minutes before she got up.

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