🎬Movies and Honesty ✨ (💛Platonic Jailey💙)

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Requested by: Xcrossed724
💮Platonic Jailey fluff/angst😢
{Jake's POV}
I was aware that the music club wouldn't let me back into the club, but I still wanted to see the show and know how it went. I was sitting in the very back of the audience, but also in the middle so that I wouldn't be obviously spotted. I was watching the show, but when the music club went up on stage they were able to do it all on their own and Hailey could even sing without me there to help. I started to cry, but I wasn't just upset, I was also very happy for them. As soon as they were finished with singing 'Starlight', I got up and left so that they wouldn't see me there after the show was over.

"I'm proud of you guys, and I know you'll win this thing." I walked out of the building and got into my moms car. "Let's go home now."

"Alright, if you're sure." She said while starting the car again.

I took my phone out and went to my playlist of songs and put my headphones on. "Sorry about making you do this only for me to leave before the competition was over." I then put my music on.

{A Few Months Later} {Jake's POV}
I got the tickets for a horror movie that I'm watching on my own. The only reason I was watching on my own was because: Milo's too young, mom had work, Drew and them either aren't talking to me or are busy, and Daisy can't stand horror movies. I sat down near the back, but then I looked around at the other people there and I saw them.

"Wait, that's... the music club!" I grew uncomfortable, but I figured that it wouldn't be a problem. However, I kept feeling awkward, it was like they were staring at me. It wound up being to much for me to handle.

I got up, left the movie room, went to the bathroom, and splashed some water on my face to calm me down. It worked a bit, and I took some of the paper towels to dry my skin off before exiting the bathroom. I was on the way back to the screening when I saw... Hailey looking at the vending machine. I was gonna walk by, but she saw me and we made eye contact. We both remembered the day that I got kicked out of the music club for the audio recording.

She was about to walk back into the screening, but I grabbed her by her wrist. "Hailey, please let me talk and explain to you."

"I don't wanna hear it Jake." She was trying to get me off of her, but I knew that I wouldn't get a chance like this again.

{Hailey's POV}
"Ugh, why won't he just let go of my wrist!" I was getting pissed off, but I was taken aback when he pulled me into a hug. I was still trying to get out of it, but then I heard his breathing get heavier. "He's... crying." I didn't exactly want to hear him out, but it was obvious that he a form of closure.

I sighed a little louder then I usually would. "Fine, go ahead and explain." I still wasn't hugging him back, but he didn't let go of me either.

"When I said all of those things, I was at Drew's house and everyone was riling me up by saying how you guys were 'using' me for the competition, and on how you all weren't actually trying to be my friends." He was breathing more regularly than he was before, but I felt awful. "They also said other stuff about you guys and then Zoey recorded it, sent it to Lia, but then Lia sent it to you out of jealousy."

I was a little happier now that I knew it wasn't entirely Jake fault but now I felt awful for not listening in the first place. "I..." I hugged him back, but I didn't know what to say to him about all of this.

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness," His voice cracked with those words at least twice. "I just wanted to tell you what happened when I said all of that stuff."

He pulled away from the hug to wipe away the tears on his face and in his bloodshot eyes. I was smiling a bit more now that I had the whole story and I was still surprised that he had cried about this. "Jake, I'm sorry that I didn't hear you out before when we first heard the recording."

"It's alright." He was smiling now and he was obviously more relaxed even though I never said that I forgave him. "You guys did well at the competition even without me being there."

"What? I know that we made it wildly know that we won the competition, but how'd he know how well we did beyond that?" I was caught off guard by that. "How'd you know that we did good besides the trophy being at the school and it being on the news after the competition was over?"

He chuckled a bit while looking incredibly nervous. "Well, I kind of watched the competition in the crowd, but I left after you guys finished the song you wrote."

"Oh, okay." I was actually surprised that he went the whole way of coming to the competition for a little bit of time so that he can see us. "Wait why did he say the song that I wrote when we wrote it together?"

I looked at my watch and noticed that the movie was starting again. "The movie started again?"

"It's not that surprising that he could tell that given the movies here always stop at certain points for breaks." I looked up at him with a smile. "Yeah, so I guess I'll see you later."

"Okay." He said, but he was following me to the movie me and the others were watching. "What're you doing?"

He looked at me with a small smile. "We're watching the same movie, and I saw you in the screening earlier." He was still walking with me.

"Oh, I didn't notice that you were there." I said smiling more than I was before now that I realized he wasn't just following me around.

We chuckled a little bit before we went back to the screening. Jake sat where he was before and I sat next to Sean like I was earlier, but I was confused why Jake was here alone. "I can probably ask him over text later."

Word Count: 1105
I hope you like it Xcrossed724 !

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