💢Bittersweet🍬Love❤️ (🖤Drailey💙)

784 10 29

Requested by: @ellie22223

[Drew's POV]
Today is the last day at school for this year. It's also the last day with Zoey after Henry and Liam were talking in the library and I overheard them talking about her cheating on me with someone else. "WHY WOULDN'T THEY TELL ME FROM THE START?!" That's the reason I'm mad at them, and when I asked why they didn't they say anything they didn't have a reason for it. I also asked Jake if he knew and he did, when I asked him he said it was for that pink-haired Devil Milly. One thing though I had a weird dream last night about Hailey, but there was something off she looked.... really cute and- WAIT DID I JUST SAY HAILEY WAS "CUTE"!

{Later that day}
Drew: Hey Zoey.
[Drew's POV]
This is it the breakup in front of the whole school including the teachers so they can hear who she really is... a dirty gold digger.
Zoey: Hey Drewy-bear what did you want to talk about!
Drew: Zoey.........
Zoey: What's the matter?
Drew: We..... need to break up.
Zoey: WHAT WHY?!
Drew: I know about it Zoey.
Zoey: They..... told you?
Drew: They told me but I didn't believe it but... now I know they were telling the truth.
Zoey: *realizes* Wait I'm sorry!
Drew: No your not.


{After that}
Drew's POV: I am now lying in bed but I have this sudden urge to take my violin out after years of not doing so because mom and dad said it was a waste of time. YOU KNOW WHAT SCREW MOM AND DAD I'M GOING TO GET MY VIOLIN TAKE IT TO THE ROOFTOP OF THE SCHOOL AND PLAY IT TO MY HEARTS CONTENT WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! That's exactly what I'm going to do.


{Later at the rooftop}
Drew: *sighs* I hope....... I can still play this well. *starts playing Corelli Concert grosso op. 6, No.8*


Hailey's POV: I was walking up to the school rooftop when I heard someone playing the violin beautifully so I decided to head toward the music and- wait- IS THAT- DREW?!?! Wait he knows how to play the violin since when?


Hailey: I didn't know you could play the violin.


Drew's POV: I was shocked when I heard a familiar voice..... Hailey.


Drew: I haven't really played in awhile so....

Hailey: It's beautiful but why did you stop playing before?

Drew: My parents said it was a waste of time and that they only want what's best for me so I stopped playing it for years.

Hailey: Can I hear more of it? I used to play violin but then ukulele kind came so I stopped.

Drew *blushing*: s-sure.


{He kept playing the violin and talked with Hailey for awhile}

Hailey: Well I should get home.

Drew: oh... alright

Hailey: What's wrong?

Drew: I'm just dealing with a breakup between me and Zoey so I kinda feel........... alone now.

Hailey: *Hugs him* *Kisses his cheek while blushing* You're never alone.


Hailey: If you need me you know where to find me. *starts to walk away*

Drew: Wait! * grabs her wrist*

Hailey: *blushes*

Drew: *kisses her softly on her lips*

Hailey: *blushing* *kisses back*

Drew: *Breaks kiss* *pulls her closer* I'm sorry and I love you.🖤

Hailey: *Chuckles* I love you too. 💙


Word count: 576

The Music Freaks One Shots And Incorrect quotesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ