𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒎 𝑩𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎

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"The last time I was this nervous before a Game, you were planning on hunting down the Careers." Alaric replies with a forced chuckle, remembering the determined little girl she'd been. Then again, not much had changed. "I'm just worried, Flower."

"You're still strong, Al." Dahlia reassures him, not willing to see the tough man become so defeated. "You just need to hang on long enough for us to get Katniss out and then we'll be free." The jubilant expression on her face was so infectious that Alaric couldn't help but grin at her. "No more Hunger Games!"

"I do not worry for myself. I worry for you." Alaric corrects, making Dahlia's head whip round in confusion. She may not have as much experience as Alaric, but she was younger and faster. She was a survivor. Why was he worried about her? Alaric notices her baffled expression and answers her unspoken question, "I've lived a long life, Flower. I've seen things that no man should ever see. Experienced hardships I could never describe. But I never expected to still be standing here today." Dahlia stays silent as Alaric pours his feelings out in an unusual display of emotions. "I've achieved everything I wanted to do in life. There will be no need for me to hang on anymore. But you... There is no limit to the things you could achieve."

Dahlia shakes her head in disagreement and begins to protest, "But I need you, Alaric. I couldn't have made it this far without you by my side. I need you--"

"No, you don't." Alaric interrupts, placing his hands on Dahlia's shoulder and regarding her with pride. "I don't think you ever did. I was the one who needed you. Just when life seemed to have no purpose, you came along and proved me wrong." And she's been proving him wrong ever since. "You are a remarkable young woman, Dahlia. When you talk, I swear I can hear the drums of the revolution." Alaric's eyes start to brim with tears as he stares down at her with admiration. "Your story is not over yet."

"My story never would've been written without you." Dahlia murmurs truthfully, remembering all the times she's relied on Alaric and he's been right there to support her.

"You have been my greatest achievement." Alaric states, brushing Dahlia's hair out of her eyes before noticing the tears gathering on her lashes. "And it has been the highest honour to have been your Mentor all these years."

"You and I both know you're more than that." Dahlia retorts, leaping forward to attack Alaric with a hug as she practically hangs off his shoulders. Alaric doesn't hesitate to return the embrace, closing his eyes in contentment as he relishes what could be their final moment together. "I love you, Papa."

A lone tear trickles down Alaric's cheek at her heartfelt words, never feeling more joyful yet melancholic in his life. Dahlia was a fighter who will go on to do wonderful things, he was sure of it. Even if he did not live to see them. "I love you too, Flower."

Alaric had once shown Dahlia the tattoos decorating his body with the names of every Tribute he'd ever lost. What he hadn't shown her was his most recent artwork, positioned right above his heart. A dahlia flower... For his daughter.


After a heartbreaking farewell, Alaric quickly excused himself without much of an explanation, simply muttering that he had one last thing to take care of. Dahlia didn't press him for more information as she was desperate to run off to the one person she wanted to spend her last hours of freedom with. Finnick was already awake and waiting for her when she slipped into his room. No words needed to be exchanged between them. Finnick just opened his arms and Dahlia collapsed into him. He placed a delicate kiss on her hairline, tightening his hold until there was no space between them.

"Please don't do anything stupid tomorrow." Dahlia mumbles pleadingly into Finnick's chest, relaxing into his touch as he combs his fingers soothingly through her hair. "I don't want to meet the person I'd become if you were taken away from me."

"You know I can't make any promises, Lia." Finnick replies mournfully, fearing for what the next day will bring. "But I'm willing to risk everything for the chance of a life with you." Dahlia's head shifts to place her chin on Finnick's chest, allowing their contrasting eyes to meet. Like the night sky reflecting in the sea, between them are all the sparks of the stars. Small burning lights of passion connecting them for all eternity. "I would do anything to get you out of that arena... And that doesn't scare me as much as it should."

"As long as we stay together," Dahlia murmurs, sliding her hand up to lock with his, intertwining their fingers like they were never meant to be separated. "They can't kill us."

And they believed in those words wholeheartedly. Together, they could take on the world and still emerge as the Victors. They were each other's greatest strength and most treasured weakness.

Then, with his entire world cradled in his arms, Finnick realises how much he longs for this feeling of home to last forever. In a perfect world, they'd have all the time in the world to spend together. They'd take it slow, pursue their feelings at a steady pace, naturally evolve into a beautiful relationship. They would grow old together, falling more and more in love as the days went by. At the end of his life, he would be remembered as a drunken man, endlessly intoxicated by the love she gave him.

But they might never grow old together, never get to experience a relationship without fear. He'd never get to show her just how much he loves her. And that thought scares him more than any threat Snow could make.

With one hand tangled in her hair and eyes heavy with the temptation of sleep, he makes a promise that he would fight harder than ever to fulfill. "One day, I'm gonna marry you." He whispers quietly, pouring every ounce of love he possesses for her into his words. "Then you'll officially be mine, little flower."

Finnick Odair had always been a warrior with a fighter's mind. He was a Victor, a champion. There wasn't a challenge he hadn't overcome, no competitor he had not bested. Yet Dahlia Blossom was a battle he lost every single time. It was the only fight he would gladly lose with a smile on his face. The only time he would welcome defeat. For what is victory worth without someone to share it with? And to have her by his side is the only prize he could ever desire.

Her breath had hitched at Finnick's confession, taken aback by the determination in his voice. The determination to bind them together for eternity, to make her his forever. But the more she thought it over, a life with Finnick, the more she yearned for it to be reality. All her life she'd had to share things. Whether it be clothes with her sisters or her body with Capitol men, she never had something to call her own. For once, she wanted to be selfish. Finnick would be hers and she would be his, something they wouldn't have to share with anyone else.

"I'd love that." She replies genuinely with a beaming smile stretching across her entire face. Leaning forward, she presses her forehead to his and uses their close proximity as an excuse to place dozens of kisses on his lips. "You are heaven-sent, Odair."

Dahlia Blossom had always known the taste of war. Death was her oldest acquaintance, heartache her most loyal companion. She never had the luxury of running from a fight, always facing her opponents even if the odds were never in her favour. She's not sure what peace is supposed to feel like, but she thinks it feels like Finnick Odair. Just one glance into his eyes and she feels a little less war-torn, a little less broken. He could heal all her suffering with just one touch.

No one knew what madness would overpower their minds if they were pulled apart and no one dared to find out. But in such uncertain times, nothing is ever truly guaranteed. So Dahlia and Finnick savoured their last few moments of calm before all hell broke loose. Who knew what tomorrow would bring? Fights and battles, heartache and death...

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