The demon lords and the demoness trio thought that this might be a regular occasion as well. And this thought was solidified when they saw Milim's reaction.

Rimuru= (So this is why those bastards ran away or said that they aren't hungry. This food, can it even be called food. Help me Great Sage.)

Great Sage= <Close your eyes and insert the spoon from an angle to the right. You will not die.>

Shion= What Rimuru-sama you didn't like my food? But I thought you really liked it.

Rimuru= ...

Veldora= He didn't want ...... to make you feel bad. So that is why he never told you.

Shion= Is that true, Rimuru-sama?

Rimuru= ......... Yes Shion ............ This is true.

Shion= I see .......

Now Shion was feeling very sad and guilty thinking that she had been feeding Rimuru-sama bad food that he didn't even like.

Shion= I-I am sorry, Rimuru-sama. I had been giving you garbage to eat. I am truly sorry.

Seeing at how quickly the expression of Shion had changed almost everyone was surprised especially the students who had thought that Shion was a prideful person. Who wouldn't accept that her cooking could be bad. However, here she was apologizing to their sensei for giving him as she called it 'garbage'. Seeing just how sad Shion had gotten. Rimuru said.

Rimuru= You don't need to apologize about it. That was the past. And it is not like your food tastes bad now. You just need to make it look good and it will be perfect.

Ultima= So, her food doesn't taste like poison anymore.

Diablo= You seem to be disappointed.

Ultima= Of course I wanted to compare if here poison was the potent.

Veldora= You can still check that because she can still make poison.

Ultima= Oh then it would be fun.

Dagruel= (What can I expect she is a demon.)

Milim= (Is she crazy?)

Then Rimuru did exactly as Great Sage had told him to do. And spoon went into someone's mouth and that someone was Gobta who immediately saw the most difficult last seconds of his life as he screamed in agony with his mouth shut. And sometime later his pulse stopped. Everyone was shocked to see this and Rimuru told Shion that the next time she makes any food get the approval of Benimaru first. Benimaru was feeling betrayed by Rimuru.

Rimuru= (Don't look at me like that. This is now your problem.)

Ramiris= Again Great Sage coming in clutch.

Leon= Did you have poison resistance at this time?

Rimuru= I don't know but I didn't want to test that.

Shuna= However, big brother would get poison resistance.

Hinata= What do you mean?

Veldora= You saw that Rimuru said that Shion needs to get the approval of Benimaru which means Benimaru had to eat the cooking many times.

Kenya= Oh that would have been painful.

Benimaru= You have no idea.

Luminous= However, it doesn't look like that, that goblin is going to survive.

Diablo= Well he got the punishment he deserved.

Fuze= What do you mean?

Diablo= Remember when he insulted Rimuru-sama, when Rimuru-sama was sending Rigur's hunting team. And Rimuru-sama kicked him.

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