Part 4- Unwanted mission

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I watched Ghost walk away. I wasn't too thrilled with the Idea either. He was a grumpy ass weirdo. "Is he always like this?"

"He'll warm up to you, don't worry. He's just not thrilled to have a female with us in the field." Soap shrugged.

"I doubt it, but if you say so."

"Y/N, would you mind coming with me to speak in private." Price gestured for me to follow him into another room.

I felt uneasy, did I do something wrong already? Did I get too comfortable with them already? Would he prefer I held onto my professionalism? "Coming sir."

Once in the other room Price shut the door. "Don't worry you haven't done anything wrong." He reassured me.

"Oh, good." I relaxed a little.

"I have an important mission for you." Price picked a file up off a desk and handed it out to me. "There's another target we need to locate and take alive."

I scanned over the file and looked at him. "Why am I need specifically?"

"Well, Shepherd believes it will be easy for you to get the target alone." Price sat at the desk and lean forward. "We need you to seduce the target and get him alone. Once alone we need you to knock him out and meet us at the Exfil point."

"Excuse me?" Is this the real reason Shepherd assigned me to 141? Not because I have was skillful but because I'm a woman with some talent.

"I know, it's insulting, but it's needed."

"I take it I will have minimal weapons and support?" I didn't like going in unarmed and without backup.

"Correct. Soap and Ghost will be tailing you so if things go south they can help you." Price scratches his face.

"When do we leave?" I sighed, knowing he wasn't asking, he was telling me.

"Tomorrow morning, they're holding a party of some kind tomorrow night that you will attend under an alias." Price leaned back into chair. "Get some rest."

"Will do sir." I walked to my room after being dismissed. Fuck this, I didn't sign up for this.

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now