Part 7- Simon Riley

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                  -YN POV-
After a few weeks I was healed enough to return to duty.

"Welcome back Y/N." Price smiled as I entered to conference room.

"Good to be back." I sat down next to Soap, who had been keeping me entertained during recovery along with Roach and occasionally Ghost.

"Ready to get back into the game?" Soap nudged me gently.

"Most definitely." I leaned on the table, I felt someone staring at me. I glanced over at Ghost who quickly looked away.

"We have another mission." Price pulled up the information on a screen. "This time it's to eliminate the target." Price turned to me. "Do you think you're up for it?"

I nodded. "I'm good to go Captain."

"Alright, once again we will be in teams. Soap, Ghost and Y/N will be team Delta, Me, Roach and Gave will be team Foxtrot."

Gaz was a member of 141 that had just returned to duty, he was a chatterbox and very outgoing, much like Soap.

"Roger that." Gaz leaned back in his chair.

"Looks like we get to team up again." Soap bounced in his chair slightly.

"Just don't get me shot like last time." I teased.

"No promises." I heard Ghost respond from behind me.

"Yeah, I've noticed that with you." I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little.

"Alright, let's roll out!"

Moments later...

"Shush, I hear someone coming." Soap ducked behind the wall, Ghost and I following behind. "Three hostiles ahead."

"Let them Pass." Ghost watched as they walked down the corridor out of sight.

We continued on, clearing each room until we made it to the room where the target was.

"On my count." Ghost kicked the door in and we cleared the room. The target scurried to the window.

"Don't move!" I aimed my gun at the man. Ghost grabbed him and threw him on the ground.

"You have some info that we need." Ghost kicked the Target.

" I don't know what you mean!"

"Oh, you don't? I guess no need to keep you alive." Ghost aimed his gun at the target.

With that the target told us everything we needed, after that we elmnated him and returned to base.


"Oh look I made it out in one piece." I teased Soap, he poked me all over the place.

"Are you sure?" We laughed and I felt eyes on me again.

"Can I help you with something?" I looked over at Ghost whose eyes locked with mine. His eyes, I know them..

"No." He quickly looked away.

"What's his problem?" I whispered to Soap.

"No idea, Simon's always being weird lately." Soap paused for a moment. "Ah, I mean Ghost."

"Simon?" My blood ran cold at that name. Was it just a coincidence? No, his eyes.. oh God.

"Yeah, Simon, that's Ghost real name." Gaz chimed in and everyone shit glares in his direction. "Oh, were we not telling her that yet?"

I stood up, my face draining of color. He's alive, he's been alive this whole time!

"Y/N?" Ghost voice came from behind me, it was soft and gentle compared to normally.

I turned to him. "You're alive!? You've been alive this whole time and didn't think to contact me?!" I shoved him. "Fuck you!"

"Y/N I-" I cut him off.

"I've spent the last couple years mourning you! I spent the last couple years in hell thinking you were gone!" Tears sprung to my eyes.

Ghost stood there silently. I began to sob. "Fuck you.." I stormed from the room and out of the building.

Fuck him. Fuck them all. It was like my heart was breaking all over again. Ghost was Simon Riley, the man I loved back from the dead.

I walked the base aimlessly, not really knowing where to go.

"Y/N! Wait!" I heard Soap following after me.

"Fuck off!" I yelled to him.

"I'm sorry! We were told not to say anything! I didn't know you knew him!" Soap caught up to me.

"Knew him? Ha.. I more than just knew him." I pushed the tears away. "We were engaged and then one day he shipped off and disappeared. I was told he was KIA."

"Oh damn." Soap scratches the back of his neck.

"But turns out he's alive and fuck." Tears began to pour again. Why? Why didn't he come back to me?

Soap took me in his arms. "That's horrible, I'm sorry."

I continued to sob. "I just don't understand."


I watched as she fled from the room, tears in her eyes. I wanted to kill Soap and Gav in that moment. Watching her fall apart killed me.

Soap chased after her, despite me telling him to leave her be. I couldn't help but follow behind, not wanting her to be alone with another man.

She has every right to be hurt, she thought I was dead, but it was for a good reason. I didn't want her to become a target due to my job, I wanted to protect her. Some good that did, she ended up doing the force and getting assigned to 141 anyways!

As I caught up to her, I saw she was in Soap's arm, anger flared within me. That fucker need to go fuck himself. Trying to play her hero!

I stood there, watching, not knowing what to do or say. Soap comforted her and she sobbed into him. That should be me, but it's not and I don't think it ever will be again.

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now