Part 2- The boys

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I swallowed hard as I was lead to a conference room. General Shepherd entered the room before me. "Gentleman, This is Private Y/N L/N. Known as Red RABBIT in her former company. She will be joining 141 as of today."

I entered the room, my nerves a mess. In the room there were a couple of men. One sitting with a skull mask, you found it odd as he wasn't in full tactical gear, just a basic uniform so why was he in a mask? The other was bouncing his leg and had a small Mohawk, another leaned back in a chair with scruffy hair and beard, the last member sat quickly, he was a young man with brown hair. A woman with blonde hair and in professional business wear.

"Hello L/N. I'm Kate Lasewell, it's a pleasure to have you working on the team." She smiled at me. "Why don't you sit?" She gestured to a chair.

I sat down obediently, I looked around at the men trying to memorize distinct features of each of them.

"Ah, she follows orders nicely." The scruffy man chuckled. "Captain Price." He held out his hand.

I stared at it not knowing what to do. He's a captain, I should be saluting him not shaking his hand.

"Rank doesn't matter much here." The mohawk man spoke as if he read my mind. "Sergeant McTavish but you can call me Soap."

I nodded easing up a little and shook Captain Price's hand. "it's a pleasure to work with you."

"You'll see if we can say the same about you." The masked Man looked annoyed. "And We do, do rank here. You will address me as lieutenant and lieutenant only."

"That's Ghost." Soap chimmed in. Hardass, got it.

I swallowed hard. "Uh, yes Lieutenant." So we have Captain who seems decent, Soap who seems okay and Mister hard ass, love it. I looked to the fourth male.

"Roach." He nodded slightly and looked away from me. Either he's shy or just quiet.

"Well, I guess that's introductions, Boys treat her well." General Shepherd stood to exit the room, all of us got to our feet and saluted as he walked from the room.

"Why don't we show you to barracks room." Lasewell gestured for me to follow her.

She lead me down the hall into a large common room. "This is where to boys normally relax, your room is just off of here."

She lead me to my room and smiled.

"Its nice to have another woman on the team." And with that she left me.

I opened the door and walked into my room. There was a full bed in the corner of the room, a small closet with a dresser. The walls were a light blue and a small window sat on the wall across the bed. My duffels sat on the bed, I walked over to them and began unpacking.

I didn't have much, just my uniforms, a couple of civilian outfits, a couple books, a few pictures from home and a ragged stuffed cow that I carried everywhere I've been deployed or stationed to.

"Knock, knock." Soap pretended to knock on my door.

"Sergeant, how many I help you?."

"Just wanted to make sure you were settling." Soap looked around the room. "you don't have much do you?"

I shook my head. "I pack light. Never know when I need to move on a dime." I folded my duffle bags and placed them in the closet.

Soap nodded. "I guess you're right. So why they call ya the Red Rabbit?"

I fiddled with my dog tags. "Oh, Uh, why they call you Soap?" I tried to change the subject. I wasn't ready to disclose that information to him.

"Hey don't change the subject." Soap pouted.

"Maybe it's her ability to move quick and the number of confirmed kills she has." Ghost stood behind Soap looking through a file. "Wish I could say I'm impressed." Ghost tossed it to Soap before walking off.

"Woah." Soap read the file.

"Well I'm impressed." Soap looked me up and down. "How? You're so small."

I snatched the file from his hand after realizing it was mine. "Mind your own business." I almost regretted doing that. We were taught to listen to our NCOs and Officers but I rather not have them snooping on me.

"Okay okay, well dinner is in 10." Soap put his hands up and walked away.

I shoved the file into the closet and shut it hard, I felt someone staring at me, Roach was in the doorway, he waved and walked away.

I waved back, what a weirdo?

I shut the door before anyone else could bother me. I stripped out of my uniform and into sweatpants and a Tshirt. Duty hours were now over. Not like this was much of a duty station, it was a very small military compound with next to no people except 141.

I made my way out into the common rooms and awkwardly looked around at the others. Ghost was on the couch, in a mask and civilians. Another weirdo, okay then. Roach was on the floor playing dominoes with Soap and Price was cooking in the small kitchenette.

What have I been drugged into?

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now