Part 9- Jealousy

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Months went by after the Ghost incident. I did my best to avoid him outside of missions and he made no attempt to speak with me.

I spent most of my time with Soap and Roach along with Gaz. Soap and I had started to grow close and that's when Ghost began acting odd.

"Y/N! Come watch this with me!" Soap yelled from the common room.

I left the room and flopped down on the couch drapping my legs in Soap's lap. "What are we watching now?"

"The Saw movies. I just didn't want to watch them alone." Soap poked my leg.

"Awh, someone a scaredy cat?" I teased.

"Me? Never!" Soap smiled but it quickly fell as Ghost walked into the room.

I looked at the ground quickly, hoping he'd just go away.

"What are you doing?" Ghost looked down at me from behind the couch. I ignored him.

"None of your business." Soap looked at him and tension filled the Air. "Now fuck off would ya?"

I moved my legs off of Soap, Soap grabbed them and moved them back onto him. Ghost gritted his teeth as I looked up at him. I could tell he was pissed off.

"Move over." Ghost jumped over the couch and I quickly pulled my legs in as he plopped in between me and Soap.

Soap and him stared each other down and I awkwardly sat there. "Boys you both have big dicks, can we not do this right now?"

Ghost shot a look at me. "How would you know?"

The fuck-

"It was a joke you perv!" I felt my cheeks go red.

"I mean you're not wrong." Soap teased and my face got redder.

"Shut up." Ghost glared at Soap.

The tension continued to increase in the room. I stood up. "Well I'll let you two suck each other's dicks. See ya later Soap." I walked to my room.

They've been at each other's throats lately. I sighed and flopped on my bed. When will this end? Does Ghost really care that I'm hanging out with Soap? Or is he just pissed I want nothing to do with him anymore?

"Knock, Knock." Kate Lasewell knocked on my door. "Heard things have been getting intense with the boys. Thought you could use some girl time."

I smiled. "Yes please."

Kate and I both left the base and went to the mall. "You are godsent." I sipped my coffee as we walked around.

"That bad huh?" She looked at the stores as we walked around.

"Very. I swear Johnny and Simon are going to kill each other." I sighed. "I can't do anything without Ghost getting pissy."

"I am can he really blame you for moving on?" Kate grabbed my arm and pulled me into a clothing store. "He disappeared on you, making you believe he was dead."

"Exactly and he acts like I'm just supposed to forgive him and run back into his arms." I shook my head as I looked through the clothing racks. "How are you and Price doing?"

"As well as you and Ghost." Kate sighed. "He refuse to admit anything happened between us."

"Ugh, men."


I sat on the couch glaring at Soap as Y/N got up to leave. This fucking bastard, I'm gonna kill him.

"She doesn't want you, Ghost." Soap's words stung. I knew he wasn't wrong but God forbid I was going to let her be with him. "You betrayed her and broke her."

"She doesn't want you either." I crossed my arms. "You're just a rebound."

"Is that so?" Soap laughed. "Well at least I get all her time and attention."

I clenched my fist, trying to restrain myself from socking him in the face.

"I'm sure if I asked her out she'd say yes." Soap continued to poke at me.

"I'd like to see you try." I gritted my teeth. I'm gonna kill him, I'm really gonna.

"Wanna bet?" Soap stood up from the couch, I didn't hesitate to sock him in his mouth.

"Fuck off." I shook my hand as pain filled it, that's gonna bruise.

Soap rubbed his face. " I take that as a no then." He smirked. "Maybe I'll ask her anyways."

With those words we ended up getting into a fist fight, it only ended when Price walked in a chewed us out.

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon