Part 29- Find me

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The next morning I woke up tangled in the sheets with Soap. I gently slide out of his arms and got dressed making my way into the main area of the house.

Price stood there with a box in his hands looking stressed.

"You good Cap?" I called out to him, he didn't move.

"A package came for you." He looked like he was about to start sweating.

A package? For me? No one knows where we are... How? Who and what?


"Doesn't say." Price continued to hold the box. "I didn't know if it's an explosive yet."

I took the box from him and shook it hard. Nothing. "Not a bomb!"

Price almost fainted as I shoo the box. "For God sake Y/N!"

I laughed as I opened the box, inside was encoded notes. I stared at them, not understanding at all.

"What is it?" Price could sense my confusion.

"It's just code." Who the hell sent me this and why.

Price took the notes and turned pale as he looked over them. "Y/N..." Price looked at me. "It's Ghost. He's alive. He wants us to come find him."

The world started spinning, fast. What? How is that possible? Are we sure? A million thoughts raced through my mind as my knees gave out.

I felt the floor underneath me but nothing seemed real. My Simon was alive. Alive and wanting us to come save him.

Soap came out of the room as I fell, he rushed to my side. "Y/N! Are you okay?!"

I nodded or least thought I did.

"What's wrong?" Soap took the notes Price handed to to him and just like Price he went Pale. "Simon.. He's alive.."

Soap held me tight. "He's left us a trail... Don't worry love, we'll go get him."

I nodded, our Simon was alive.

"We'll get together a team, it won't be easy, it seems he's in enemy territory." Price went to work on the details.

I didn't care what it took to get him back. I shouldn't be surprised, he never stays dead long.

A small smile crossed my lips. "Should of known, Ghosts can't die."

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now